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All About Earth in The Four Elements

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
September 18, 2022
All About Earth in The Four Elements
All About Earth in The Four Elements
TL;DRDo you ever wonder why you have certain characteristics or why you have an affinity for a certain lifestyle? Or do you sometimes wonder why you fall for certain people over others? The Four Elements has a big impact on who we are and all of us belong to one of the four. So, knowing this, we can better understand who we are most compatible with, what personality traits of ours need balancing and how we interact with the world around us.

The Four Elements

The Four Elements

The concept of the Four Elements has existed throughout many different ancient civilizations and was first posed by Greek philosopher, Empedocles. While the names of the Four Elements (and even the number of them) has varied quite some bit, their principle message is about balance. Balance within the physicality of earth, within our natal charts and even within the human body itself. Not only this, but it is believed that the Four Elements are the basis of the entire Universe, standing as the essential pillars of life that allow for our existence. In Ancient Greece, it was believed that the Four Humors of the body directly corresponded to the Four Elements, and when these Elements were out of whack, we would encounter physical problems. In Buddhism, the ‘Four Noble Truths’ presents a similar message and for Native Americans, the ‘Four Directions’ also had similar connotations. In fact, almost all traditional religions and spiritual communities believe in the same archetype that underpins the world and everything in it. Therefore, studying the Four Elements is a way for ourselves in modern society to connect with the teachings of our ancestors. We can use their wisdom to understand more about ourselves, our relationships and even how the Universe’s elements interact amongst each other. So, with that said, the Four Elements in Astrology consist of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Each of these elements rules three zodiac signs and governs certain traits and characteristics.

Element of Earth Meaning

The element of Earth is all about stability, structure and staying grounded. As such, people who fall under this element are often described as possessing these qualities, as well as being practical, reliable and organized. In other words, these are the friends who seem to have it all together and encourage us to get on top of our game too. They are the types who are dependable, reliable and are determined to fix even the most unfixable problems. That being said, where Earth is strongest is where its downfalls lie - these individuals can be inflexible, stubborn and find adapting to new situations really hard. They need to learn to go with the flow a little more and accept that even plans that don’t follow a strict structure can still be a success. In these moments, they may benefit from turning to Mother Nature for guidance; she can teach Earth that just like the changing seasons, we sometimes need to accept that life will not always go according to plan. With this in mind, those connected to the element of Earth can gain energy when they are feeling low or weak. Long walks out in nature, trips to the beach and generally connecting with the serenity of the natural world are all surefire ways to put a little pep in the step of an Earth person. In a similar vein, Earth people can find themselves overwhelmed or burned out when in environments of extreme weather - their dream holiday destination would be in the countryside, rather than on a ski slope or basking on a desert island.

What are the Earth Zodiac Signs?

What are the Earth Zodiac Signs?

Ruled by the element of Earth are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. All of these signs are beautifully unique but share many of the qualities exuded by Earth. 


The first of the three Earth signs, Taurus is a fixed and grounded sign. They adore their creature comforts and are attracted to all things luxury and indulgence. As keen pleasure seekers, you’re unlikely to see a Taurus pushing physical boundaries or needlessly going the extra mile. Rather, they want to be wrapped up at home, surrounded by stability, comfort and love from their friends and family. In fact, their love for this lifestyle can lean into stubbornness at times, as this sign is usually unwilling to bend to suit the desires of others. However, despite their love for money and extravagance, Taureans have no time for game-playing or pretention. They are some of the realest people you will meet.


Virgo is Earth’s more anxious sign. Unlike Taurus who are confidently and unashamedly true to themselves, Virgo can have a hard time defending their beliefs or saying no to people. Now this is not to say that Virgos are pushovers, but it does mean that sometimes they hyperfixate on solving other people’s problems to the detriment of their own. That said, Virgos are efficient, reliable and fiercely trustworthy people. They are the perfect friends to turn to in a fix and provide some of the best advice going. Although borderline obsessive when it comes to organization and sticking to routine, their efforts are certainly rewarded - Virgo’s make fierce competition in the workplace and are generally very successful people. 


Capricorn is the sign of ambition and discipline. These individuals are responsible, driven and are constantly thinking about how they can strive for greater things. The opposite of lazy, Capricorn is intense and seriously goal-oriented. In short, they know exactly what they want and have the motivation to make it happen. However, despite their tough exterior, Capricorns can be very sensitive beneath it all. Their egos are easily bruised and they take personal failures incredibly hard. This is all a result of the sign overextending themselves, pushing their limits and forgetting to take care of their physical and mental wellbeing. Capricorns have an interesting duality about them by being solid and stable with their goal plans, but losing groundedness in their quest to achieve them.

Earth Signs Compatibility

Earth Signs Compatibility

The Four Elements are not individual entities. They are all deeply interconnected with one another and have the ability to cause both friction and harmony as a group. When we discuss the compatibility between the Four Elements, we are not only referring to our own relationships with those ruled by other elemental groups, but we are also assessing how the elements themselves play a role in our lives more generally. For instance, we can gauge interesting insight into our personality and the way we approach life by looking at the distribution of each element in our natal charts. Also, by acknowledging how the Four Elements interact in a physical sense, we can appreciate the symbolism and interplay of the elements within ourselves and others too.

Earth and Fire Signs Compatibility

Earth and Fire signs make an interesting case when it comes to compatibility. On the one hand, these two elements couldn’t be more opposite, yet this creates excitement and harmony in many ways. For instance, Fire teaches Earth the power of enthusiasm, living in the moment and throwing caution to the wind. On the other hand, the two elements are prone to stifling each other, with Earth’s emphasis on groundedness seeming uninspiring to Fire and Fire’s hot-headed outbursts seeming obnoxious to Earth. So, in short, there is plenty of room for compatibility between these two elements but we can expect plenty of strife too. However, that being said, Earth and Fire are the two elements that share a similar sense of drive and ambition. They are both hyper aware of the actions that need to be taken to achieve these ambitions, although their means of achieving them is usually approached in very different ways; Earth is known to knuckle down and persevere, while Fire prefers to play bold and stick its fingers in all the pies. 

Earth and Fire Love Compatibility

Earth and Fire Love Compatibility

In terms of love and romance, many lessons can be learned for these two elements. For one, Earth can remind Fire of the importance of stability and routine in a relationship, showing their fiery partner how sticking to a weekly date night or taking time out to enjoy the little rituals together is necessary for long-lasting love. Similarly, Fire can encourage Earth to tune into their emotionality a little more, teaching them that sometimes we need to express ourselves better when showing affection or tackling underlying problems. However, the romantic success between Earth and Fire signs are certainly hit-or-miss, as often these couples may fail to stick it out when rough-patches arise. 

Earth and Air Signs Compatibility

Looking at the laws of nature, Air touches all of Earth, but only on the surface. We see the same dynamic between people of these two elements too, with Air’s flighty, changeable and absentminded self finding it near impossible to penetrate the tough exterior of Earth - Earth is the element of rigidity, stability and caution, meaning those ruled by the element are difficult to read and struggle letting down their barriers. On the other hand, Air is almost entirely different in this facet with their greatest strengths lying in communication and adaptability. So, while their differences are obvious, Earth and Air signs aren’t the type to enter a heated debate or impassioned conflict. Rather, they hold a deep respect for one another, but may never get to delve deeper than the surface-level pleasantries.

Earth and Air Love Compatibility

Earth and Air Love Compatibility

Unfortunately, romantic compatibility between Air and Earth is also pretty poor. This is partly due to Air’s inability to switch off the mind, thinking broadly and imagining all sorts of hypotheticals. On the other hand, Earth has a far more practical outlook of the world around them, thinking analytically and with extreme reason. Not only this, but a sudden change of plan is enough to send Earth into panic-mode while Air wants to live life with spontaneity and intrigue. So, when it comes to romantic relationships, it can be really difficult for these two elements to meet on the same page and live harmoniously.

Earth and Water Signs Compatibility

Earth and Water are very different entities, but there is much compatibility to be had between these two. While Earth is prone to sticking to their ways and even has a touch of materialism about them, Water brings spirituality and fluidity to the table. These balancing traits make for friends who are able to step in for each other’s weak points, forming a solid team who can view the world through two very different lenses. Not only this, but similar to Fire, Water encourages Earth to ‘feel’ a little more - to dig deeper and express themselves instead of bottling up emotions and never letting them see the light of day. 

Earth and Water Love Compatibility

Earth and Water Love Compatibility

In love, Earth teaches Water to put their spiritual talents to good use. Earth appreciates the unique abilities of Water, but is Water’s final push to make something greater from it all. Perhaps this is simply a result of Earth’s affinity for money and luxury, but either way, Water can benefit from putting their energy into achieving success a little more. Not only this, but these two elements are likely to remain rational and respectful with each other when conflict arises; while Water is likely to lose their cool and work themselves up, Earth’s calming groundedness is sure to bring them back to reality. In other words, these two elements speak very different love languages so the two lovers can learn to appreciate each other’s loving approach. Sure, it may take some time for Water to understand that Earth is not the biggest cuddler and for Earth to realize that helping out with practical duties will not always register with Water, however, these two partners will soon learn to adore each other’s love language. 

How to Balance Earth Element?

How to Balance Earth Element?

Despite our inherent elemental traits, all of us can be loving, spiritual, rational and flighty from time to time. In order to live a rich and fulfilling life, we need aspects from each element as they help us remain balanced and centered… even if these elements aren’t evenly distributed within our natal chart. In fact, one way to achieve this sense of balance is by appreciating how the elements manifest in a physical sense in the Universe. For example, Water nourishes the Earth, while Fire cannot burn without Air. Air influences the movement of Water, while the stability of Earth can be decimated by Fire. Whatever way you wish to envisage it, the symbolism behind how the Four Elements interact is stark. 

Do you still want to know more about the Earth element in astrology? There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about the Four elements at Mysticsense today!

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