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Understanding Astrology

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
July 21, 2022
Understanding Astrology
Understanding Astrology
TL;DRYou’ve heard of using astrology to learn zodiac signs for couples matches, but did you know that astrology has centuries worth of traditional uses and it’s for much more than just finding your best lovers in the zodiac? What has astrology been used for, how does astrology work, and how can you use it in your life today? Join Mysticsense as we explore these topics and more about astrology today.

Astrology is famous for helping us understand zodiac signs, find our possible best lover zodiac signs, and help us find relationship zodiac matches at work and in our friendships. We learn our personality traits including our best and worst characteristics, and we learn how to deal with people who we don’t especially care for based on their zodiac sign. However, couple’s zodiac matches are not the only things people have sought to know through astrology. What is astrology anyways, and what do things like the zodiac signs Houses, the signs elements, and astrology aspects mean? How does all of this work, and how can you use astrology today?

What is Astrology?

What is Astrology?

Of course, there are multiple kinds of astrology systems from all over the world, the most popular ones being Chinese Astrology, Vedic Astrology, and Western Astrology. For today’s article, we will focus on Western Astrology. We will define and explore Sun Signs, their elements, qualities, and polarities and explore what all of that means. We will also define the Houses in Astrology, which you will find other articles on at Mysticsense, and we will learn about some aspects as well. First, we will learn the interesting roots of Western Astrology.

About Western Astrology

About Western Astrology

The system that talks about Aquarians and Moon Signs did not start out in Greece and Rome, but that’s who is famous for utilizing it. It is actually traced back to the Mesopotamians as early as the 19th to 17th centuries BCE. It is said that Hermes Trismegistus took a Hellenic version of astrology that was used in ancient Egypt and wrote out a version. It has been written that in that version was the first known record of the zodiac signs Houses explained, and it was further passed to other scholars, and melded with other astrological traditions. That’s a simplified history of Western astrology.

The truth is, so many different people in the ancient world had their own astrology systems, and they shared their knowledge with one another, combining information, so the form today’s astrology takes is not an exact replica of what it was all those years ago. The uses back then would differ from today’s uses as well. In ancient Greece, astrology could be used to see all about somebody’s past, their current life, and what would happen in their future, but it was also used to assist the soul’s trip to the cosmos after death. The emperor’s fate could be divined by astrology, and events like eclipses that were believed to be spiritually significant were predicted.

All astrology operates under the belief that humanity is connected with the greater cosmos, and the rest of the planets and constellations influence us. Some even believed certain phenomenon observed was communication from the gods. For example, Christians believe the Star of David guided people to Jesus and the Greeks believed a solar eclipse meant that a god was angry with a ruler, and they would sacrifice somebody to substitute him to appease the god. Astrologers like Nostradamus and William Lilly used their expertise and psychic abilities to make prophecies. In the 1930’s daily and weekly horoscopes based on Sun Sign astrology became popular, and today, you can read your horoscope free online.

Get your horoscope at Mysticsense here: Daily Horoscopes 2022 – Mysticsense.

What are Sun Signs?

What are Sun Signs?

You have probably read all about your Sun Sign before, and you know your mate’s Sun Sign and have even done couple compatibility tests for zodiac pairings. Mysticsense has published articles about all the zodiac signs, and you can find those on our article’s listings. For example, if you want to learn about Aries, see here: Star Sign in Spotlight: Aries | Mysticsense. An educational article can be searched for about each individual sign from our page.

However, if you want to know just WHAT a Sun Sign means, read on. A Sun Sign is determined by what zodiac sign the Sun was passing through in the heavens at the moment you were born. There are twelve zodiac Signs, and your Sun Sign tells you what your basic personality you present is. Some say it is the sign of the conscious mind and your Sun Sign is also referred to as your Star Sign. The twelve Sun Signs are broken down into divisions of elements, qualities, and modalities, each explaining something different.


There are four elements, and those are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Each element instills traits in the Signs.


The Fire Signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. These signs are passionate, energetic go-getters who are natural born leaders. Their drive and enthusiasm are enhanced by their confidence, and they are spontaneous and prefer to act based on their instincts than by planning things ahead of time. They can also be selfish, egotistical, hot headed, argumentative, and sometimes have temper outbursts.


The Earth Signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. They are careful planners who are reliable, organized, hard-working, and protective of their loved ones. They love the pleasures of hearth and home, are devoted to family, and prefer long term friendships and relationships with people over quick, short-term flings. They can be domineering, stubborn, overly critical, and so set in their ways, they can fight change.


The Air Signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These people are intellectuals who constantly seek new mental stimulation, and they love conversation and being around new people. They are open to new experiences and love to take their friends and lovers along on adventures. They change jobs and relationships as often as they prefer and value their freedom and independence. They can be flighty, emotionally detached, shallow, and can have problems maintaining relationships.


The Water Signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. These signs are intuitive and emotional people who think and relate with their feelings. They are imaginative and empathic and spend a great deal of time caring for other people. They love a good romance, and they value their alone time to recharge their emotional batteries. They can be self-destructive and tend to self-isolate to the point of being antisocial at times. They sometimes resort to manipulation and can act impulsively based on their feelings.


The Qualities of the Signs include Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable and these are also called Modalities. A Modality explains more traits.


The Cardinal Signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Cardinal Signs have new ideas and are ambitious enough to get those ideas off the ground. They move new endeavors forward, and they like to take the lead. They can be downright bossy and while they have the get-up-and-go to get new things started, they often need the help of other people to see projects through to the finish.


The Fixed Signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. These are the signs that have the energy to roll up their sleeves and see things through to the end. They are reliable and hard working, and they do what they say they will, so they easily earn other people’s trust. They can be all work and no play, however, and can also be extremely stubborn.


The Mutable Signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. These signs are flexible and adaptable and have the ability to accept change and go along happily with it. They have many different talents and are masters at multitasking. They can overwhelm themselves by focusing on too many things at once, and they can be flighty and dishonest.


While Polarities may seem old fashioned and outdated, it has nothing to do with being male or female at all, and there are plenty of very macho men who are a feminine Sign and plenty of very effeminate ladies who are a masculine Sign. Read on.


The Masculine Signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The Masculine Signs can be the most magnetic zodiac sign and they are leaders who are assertive and are take charge extroverts. They make decisions based on logic, but they can also be overly aggressive at times.


The Feminine Signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. The Feminine Signs have a more go-with-the flow attitude and make decisions based on emotions. The Feminine Signs are good listeners and observers, and they are more introverted and enjoy time at home or in small close friends’ groups, avoiding crowds. They can be emotionally manipulative sometimes.

A simple breakdown of each sign with their element, quality and polarity is below:


What do the Houses in Astrology Mean?

What do the Houses in Astrology Mean?

You will find multiple articles about the twelve zodiac Sign’s Houses in our articles, so a long description won’t be necessary here. In essence, the Houses are twelve different divisions in our birth charts and the planet’s position in them at the time of our birth reveals much about us. Any planet could be in any section of the birth charts, and each House in the chart governs an aspect of our lives. The Houses also rule a part of our bodies and can affect our health and wellbeing in those areas. Below is a short list of things each House rules ranging from career to our health, and family relations. The planets bring their own influences in. For example, if Venus is in the Twelfth House in your birth chart, it means you value your alone time so much, you may seclude and isolate yourself at times, and may enjoy working in a job field where you are set apart from other people like a third shift at home online job where you do your work and don’t interact with many people. However, you are a true philanthropist and have to take care not to have your kindness taken advantage of. Take extra care of the feet, as they could be prone to gout, arthritis, or bunions.

The First House

Called the House of the Self, it rules worldly outlook and the face and head.

The Second House

This is called the House of Possessions and the parts of the body it rules is neck and throat.

The Third House

The neck, shoulders, lungs, fingers, hands, and arms are ruled by the Third House, and it is called The House of Communication.

The Fourth House

This is called the House of Family and Home and it rules the stomach, breast, and digestive system.

The Fifth House

This is the House of Pleasure. The sides, upper back and heart are the areas of the body it rules.

The Sixth House

The parts of the body the Sixth House rules are the bowels and solar plexus, and it is called the House of Health.

The Seventh House

The Seventh House rules the kidneys and loins and it is called the House of Partnerships.

The Eighth House

The Eighth House is called the House of Sex and the body parts it rules are external sexual organs and the muscular system.

The Ninth House

The body parts the Ninth House rules are the liver and thighs, and it is called the House of Philosophy.

The Tenth House

 The Tenth House is called the House of Social Status and the body part it rules are the knees.

The Eleventh House

The Eleventh House is called the House of Friendships. It rules the ankles.

The Twelfth House

The feet are ruled by The Twelfth House, which is called The House of the Subconscious.

What are Some Aspects in Astrology?

What are Some Aspects in Astrology?

As if the signs and Houses were not enough, there is still more to be learned about astrology in the forms of Aspects. What on earth do Conjunct, Sextile, Trine, Square, and Opposed mean in astrology?


When two planets are in the same part of your birth chart, they are said to be Conjunct. They combine, amplifying one another’s energies. For example, if Mercury and Uranus are conjunct in the Third House, or the House of Communication, it combines the energies of Mercury and Uranus with the House of Communication. Mercury is known for speed and can translate into a quick wit and the ability to think fast in the realm of communication. Uranus brings the energy of uniqueness, sudden changes, and being one of a kind. Combined, these make your methods of communicating with others quick, sharp, to the point, and you are also quite unique. You love learning new things, and don’t shy away from learning rare things others may consider downright weird. You are interested in learning from and talking with others and can turn up treasure troves of hidden information many have no idea exists.


Sextile means two planets are literally measured as sixty degrees apart from one another. These will create great harmony together and will bring in skills and talents you can use. For example, if your Moon is Sextile with Uranus, it brings a life of exciting opportunities and while you appeal to many, you are also comfortable being out of the spotlight with the ability to work behind the scenes as well as with the public. You need a lot of freedom in your personal life and gain some sort of inheritance through your mother’s side of the family. Can you guess someone famous who has their Moon Sextile with Uranus? Prince Charles!


When planets are 120 degrees apart, they are called Trine. It creates a harmonious combination also. The author’s birth chart shows a Trine between her Moon and Pluto. What that means is she has very strong emotions and also has good gifts of perception and the ability to analyze people’s mental states. She also has a Trine between Venus and Jupiter which means she prefers a comfortable life with no problems or major issues to solve- but don’t we all?


When planets are 90 degrees apart, they are said to have a Squared aspect to one another. This takes harmony away and means some work will need to be done in these areas. Saturn brings love of tradition while Uranus brings rebellion. So, when these are Squared, or not in harmony together, it means you will fight to create change and will dislike routine greatly and will value independence. This sort of person would change the whole world if they could- and maybe they will!


Opposed means two planets are 180 degrees apart or are on opposite ends of the birth chart from one another. This means that the two planets always challenge one another, and they can create a powerful dynamic or a horrible struggle. The goal is to control this energy instead of it running amok and controlling you. For example, if your Moon is in Opposition with Neptune, you have to be careful not to live in your head. You may have powerful dreams of how you would like life to be, and when reality does not match those expectations, it can be heartbreaking. You can also be a pushover, feeling sorry for people who simply don’t deserve it! Take care to balance your compassion with being observant, and don’t let unrealistic expectations break your heart.

The Moon Cycles

The Moon Cycles

Regardless of what your personal birth chart reveals, many use the energies of the New Moon and Full Moons to help with personal goals. The New Moon is often used as a time to begin a new endeavor or set a new goal and the Full Moon is sometimes used as a time to let go of things, or to mark the end of attainment of some goals. Both Moon phases are very powerful, and some people observe both a New Moon and a Full Moon ritual every month. Some people feel the Full Moon is when the Moon is at its most powerful and will harness the energy of this for whatever magic they want to work. For more about the Full Moon and some ideas for magical workings, read here: The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Moon | Mysticsense

Your Moon Sign

Your Moon Sign

Your birth chart will reveal what sign the Moon was passing through at your moment of birth, and that is called your Moon Sign. Your Moon Sign reveals your emotional self, and this strongly affects how you love and form connections with others. For example, somebody with a Moon in Leo will have a passionate, dynamic personality. They will be very generous and fun loving, but most of all they want long lasting love and seek to connect on a soul level to romantic partners. To learn more about your personal Moon Sign, read here: What Does the Moon Represent to Lovers? | Mysticsense

How Can You Use Astrology Today?

How Can You Use Astrology Today?

While some will decide by Moon phases and seasons when to plant certain things, things like deciding on political leaders or when to get married aren’t things a lot of people make decisions based on astrology anymore. Besides finding your strongest zodiac matches for love, astrology is used personally by people for a lot of different purposes including finding career and lifepath, building on personal strengths, improving weaknesses, and understanding how they and their loved ones behave.

While Mysticsense publishes articles about astrology topics, a great place to begin personal study of astrology is an older book you may not have heard of before. The A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineater was published by George Llewellyn originally in 1928, and reprints are available. Nothing beats a hard copy of a classic astrology book, and you can get your very own copy here: A to Z Horoscrope Maker and Delineator 1928: 9781432626419: Llewellyn, George: Books

While you are at it, get your birth chart cast so you can see all of your signs, what was in all your Houses, and learn all you can about yourself here:Free Astrology Birth Chart Report (

Armed with all the information about what astrology is, and your birth chart, you can learn all about yourself, and your zodiac signs true love matches. There is no secret of the zodiac signs you can’t unlock with knowledge and your best lover’s zodiac signs will become known to you the more you learn.

You don’t have to do a zodiac test for love or find out the best matches in the zodiac for you all on your own. You can always reach out to us at Mysticsense for your best couple’s zodiac signs or any other questions about love, career, or lifepath. Start your reading with a Mysticsense psychic advisor today.

We have selected the most relevant psychics for this article, you can connect with any of them and get accurate advice on this subject.

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