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Year of the Dog Love Compatibility

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
October 19, 2022
Year of the Dog Love Compatibility
Year of the Dog Love Compatibility
TL;DRLearn all about The year of the Dog, and best astrological matches for love for Year of the Dog people with Mysticsense.

The Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac

You may have heard of the Chinese zodiac and you have identified which animal is your zodiac animal based on your birth year, but that’s all you know about the Chinese zodiac. This zodiac moves in a cycle of twelve years, with each year being represented by an animal whose characteristics people born that year embody. The cycle of signs starts all over again every twelve years and is based on the movements of the Moon. Each year begins in January or February and moves through the following January or February the next year.

The year you are born will not only influence your personality, but also what kind of work you will be successful in, and when you should make major life decisions like who and when to get married or have kids. This article is all about The year of the Dog, of course, but to read about the Chinese Zodiac in general before we get started on this topic, read here A Guide To Chinese Astrology (

Year of the Dog

Year of the Dog

The Year of the Dog is the second to the last on the cycle of years in the Chinese Zodiac and Dog years follow Rooster years and come before the final year, which is The Year of the Pig. Lore states that the Jade Emperor invited all the animals to visit him and, in their excitement to see him, they all competed to see who would be among the very first to make it. The first twelve to arrive were rewarded by the Jade Emperor with the honor of having years in the zodiac named after them. The dog really should have arrived much sooner than he did. Dogs are after all fast runners and good swimmers- but the dog spent so much time frolicking and playing in the water, it arrived much later than it could have. The dog INSISTED that it was delayed because it needed to take a bath, but the dog was actually just playing in the water it discovered on the trip!

Year of the Dog Personality Traits

Year of the Dog Personality Traits

You might not be late regularly just because you are born in The Year of the Dog, but you will be friendly, and energetic just like the animals are. Year of the Dog people are very loyal, and they tend to be highly responsible people who are detail oriented. This can make them come across as picky, but they are just trying to make sure everything gets done well. People won’t always know what is on your mind if you are a Dog, since you are good at keeping a lot to yourself because you don’t talk a whole lot, and some people will assume you are not as friendly as you actually are.

It does take Dogs a while to get to know new people, but that’s just because they take their time, making sure they want a personal relationship with people, and then they stay in relationships for a very long time. Dogs are also one of the signs that will go out of their way for the people they love, and they can be quite stubborn and conservative and are very cautious. They are also highly observant, so you can rest assured that when a Dog is taking a lot of time to make a decision, they are going to make a good one. While they can be pessimistic, seeing the glass as half empty rather than half full, they can also come across as overly critical. However, dogs are very honest, and knowing their true feelings, even if they are not being optimistic is much better than not knowing if you can trust what they tell you!

Dogs do well in service-oriented jobs because they like being helpful. They make especially good officers of the law and soldiers as well as teachers in any subject they excel in and of course, they make excellent clergy persons. Red and green are lucky colors for Dogs, and lucky numbers for them are three and nine, as well as numbers that contain combinations of them like thirty-nine and ninety-three, for example. Roses are lucky flowers for dogs and blue and white are colors that are not as lucky for Dogs. Each Year of the Dog is also ruled by an element, and these elements bestow more personality traits on Dogs. The elements are metal, water, wood, fire, and earth.

Metal Dog Chinese Zodiac Years

Metal makes Dogs cooperative and adaptable, although it makes them even more old fashioned and modest, and it also makes them more than happy to step up and help other people. It was Year of the Metal Dog from February 6, 1970 through January 26, 1971. In this year, The Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty began, aimed at keeping cooperation and peace and ensuring non-lethal use of nuclear energy. Thor Heyerdahl and a group of international sailors reconstructed an ancient Egyptian vessel called Ra II and sailed it successfully proving that such a vessel could manage trans-Atlantic voyages. The next year of the Dog will be another Metal Dog year and that will be from February 3, 2030 until January 22, 2031.

Water Dog Chinese Zodiac Years

The element of Water makes Year of the Dog people especially brave, very good at working with money, and they can come across as selfish sometimes also! It was year of the Water Dog from January 25, 1982 until February 12, 1983. In this year, the Falklands War, which was a fight between the UK and Argentina, both Nations claiming the Falkland Islands were THEIR land when in truth in 2013, over 99% of voters stated they want to be a British territory. Barney Clark was brave enough to be the first individual to get an artificial heart, helping pioneer advances in medicine and the especially brave Danica Patrick was born in March of this year, and became the first woman to win an IndyCar race years later.

Wood Dog Chinese Zodiac Years

 The element of Wood makes these Year of the Dog people especially understanding and patient as well as very considerate of other people. It was Year of the Wood Dog from February 10, 1994 through January 30, 1995. In this year, the Church of England instilled its first female clergy persons and the groundbreaking film Schindler’s List that revealed horrors from the Holocaust touched hearts worldwide and earned seven Oscar Awards. For the first time in history, South Africa had multi racial elections and Nelson Mandela, who would go on to win over two hundred fifty awards, many for peace due to his humanist policies, became the first black president of South Africa.

Fire Dog Chinese Zodiac Years

Fire makes these Year of the Dog people smart hard workers who are very sincere and dedicated. It was The Year of the Fire Dog from January 29, 2006 through February 17, 2007. In this year, after over a decade o0f hard work, the Human Genome Project published its final information about the human chromosome sequence. After being closed for forty four years due to war, the Nathu La Pass connecting India and China was reopened, allowing trade to go through it once again. Hardworking actress Xochitl Gomez was born this year, and would begin an illustrious acting career by the ripe old age of five!

Earth Dog Chinese Zodiac Years

Earth makes these Year of the Dog people better at communicating than other Year of the Dog people, and they are very responsible at their work. It was Year of the Earth Dog from February 16, 2018 until February 4, 2019. In this year people in over nine hundred cities communicated their desire for help in combating gun violence in the March for Our Lives event that was worldwide. Women were finally allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia, and North Korea adjusted their clocks to the same time South Korea’s clocks were.

Couple Compatibility Matches for Dogs

Couple Compatibility Matches for Dogs

“What is my true love’s zodiac sign if I am Year of the Dog?” Zodiac Chinese compatibility only decides so much. When zodiac signs are in love with each other, they may not care what the classical zodiac wisdom says. A true zodiac compatibility test for couples is if they will stick together, working through issues that may pop up. Our hearts don’t decide who we love based on when we are born, in other words, and if you really love a woman or man, your zodiac signs best lovers are who you work things out with. However, there are some people who we naturally get along best with!

Best Astrological Matches for Year of the Dog

Which Chinese Zodiac signs are compatible with Year of the Dog people? It is said that Year of the Tiger people are a soulmate Dog people can count on and Rabbits say, “the Dog is my soulmate.” Year of the Pig and Year of the Dog people are also a great love match for one another.

Tiger and Dog Compatibility

These lovers balance each other well. While they are both kind, caring people, who love helping others, although they do have differences in personal approach to life. Tigers are daring, enterprising risk takers, and Dogs are more careful, content to plan and wait. Tigers can help nudge their Dogs out of their comfort zone to do new things and Dogs can help their brave Tigers make calculations before taking risks. Tigers also help cheer up their Dogs when they veer into pessimism, and Dogs, while loyal, give their Tigers all the freedom and personal space they need. A perfect match!

Dog Rabbit Matches

While Rabbits are plenty enough independent, they love the fierce protection Dogs give to the people they love. It’s not that the Rabbit NEEDS guarded and protected, it’s just that they appreciate the love and attention their loyal protective Dogs give. Rabbits are prone to anxiety, and while they can certainly work things out on their own, they very much appreciate having a partner who steps up to lend a hand and ease their troubled minds. Rabbits bring a gentle spirit and high intelligence to the relationship and Dogs can be grouchy sometimes, and their gentle Rabbits know just what to say to make them feel better. This is a top match for both signs and they can be lovers for a lifetime together.

Dog Woman and Pig Man Compatibility

Pigs are sincere and sensitive gentle people who love to be harmonious and have carefree fun. Dogs love the sensitivity Pigs have and will go out of their way to be nurturing and loyal. Pigs can get hurt very easily, and their Dogs would never do anything to hurt them, instead, they become very protective and do all they can to love and honor their Pigs. While Dogs are not known as the best communicators, Pigs are excellent at communicating and know how to get their Dog to express their feelings as well. Both Pigs and Dogs are highly devoted to loved ones and will be focused on loving one another and making the relationship work. This is a perfect match!

Worst Astrological Matches for Year of the Dog

Worst Astrological Matches for Year of the Dog

It’s difficult to believe that any sign would not want to go out of their way to be with a loyal year of the Dog person, but some signs just don’t get on all that well with Dogs. The worst astrological matches for Year of the Dog people are Dragons, Roosters, and Sheep.

Dragon and Year of the Dog Love Matches

While both Dragons and Dogs are loyal and loving to their friends, family, and significant others, they lock horns when it comes to who will be the head honcho. They spar for control and to be in charge of one another, with neither wanting to yield to the other. While they could admire one another’s leadership skills, the way they express themselves in bad moments tends to push them apart. Dragons can be highly aggressive, sometimes verbally attacking, and Dogs can be pessimistic and overly critical. If they can’t reign in their own worst habits, their relationship can be doomed!

Dog Rooster Relationships

Both Roosters and Dogs can be highly stubborn, dead set on doing everything their own way. Roosters can be very image conscious and Dogs have no interest in keeping up appearances. They can both be overly critical and won’t always hold back in expressing their criticisms to each other, which can cause hard feelings. Both signs can be very inflexible, thinking their own way is best, and there is little change for them to have a solid relationship unless they can learn to meet each other in the middle for things.

Sheep and Dog Compatibility

While Dogs are known to be supportive and loyal of those they love, somehow, they can’t always find it in their hearts to be supportive of Sheep. Dogs tend to be critical and will think they are helping by dispensing unsolicited advice to their Sheep, when in fact they are making their Sheep feel picked on, and it makes their Sheep pull away. Sheep complain when they feel it is warranted, and Dogs don’t like to hear about it. While Dogs are just as irritable as Sheep, and Dogs love being protective, sometimes, Dogs feel that Sheep are being unnecessarily needy and moody and it gets on their nerves, and this makes their Sheep feel criticized and misunderstood. That may be better off as lovers with other signs.

Is it wrong to love someone whose zodiac sign is not supposed to go well with yours? No! Marrying a woman you don’t love simply based on what guides say about zodiac signs as couples is never wise. Being objective is one of the good qualities to have, and if you are Year of the Dog, and you are in love with a Dragon who loves you, there is nothing that will keep you from being together unless you can’t work out issues amongst yourselves! Astrology acts as a guide to help us, but it’s not all there is when it comes to matters of the heart.

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