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The Year of the Pig in Chinese Astrology

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
December 27, 2022
The Year of the Pig in Chinese Astrology
The Year of the Pig in Chinese Astrology

Understanding zodiac signs in Chinese astrology can be challenging, with many of us wanting to know about attracting love, our own Chinese zodiac animal sign and who we are compatible with. So, in this article, learn what the meaning of the Year of the Pig year is, what personality traits it brings and what other signs the Pig has best couple compatibility with.

The measured and gentle Pig is one of the 12 animal signs within the Chinese zodiac and the Pig’s energy imparts certain traits and compatibilities onto those born under its sign. Knowing this, what is the symbolic meaning of the Year of the Pig? What does it mean when we relate it to the Five Elements and What other signs are best suited to the Pig?

What is the ‘Year of the Pig’ in Chinese Astrology?

What is the ‘Year of the Pig’ in Chinese Astrology?

The Chinese zodiac is a repeating astrological cycle composed of 12 symbolic animals and is a tradition that has lasted over 2000 years. The cycle is broken down into yearly increments following the annual passing of every Chinese New Year, meaning a full zodiac circle is completed after 12 years. Unlike Western astrology, with each zodiac sign lasting roughly one month, everyone born within the same Chinese calendrical year shares the same Chinese zodiac animal. These animal zodiac signs are believed to be instrumental in shaping not only our personality, but also our luck, fate and other events that may happen in our lives. The animals in the Chinese zodiac include the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. These animal signs are also believed to have natural compatibility with some signs and not others.

When is the Year of the Pig?

The last time it was the Year of the Pig, it was 2019. Before this, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959 and 1947 were all Years of the Pig too. The next time will be 9 years from now, on January 23rd, 2031.

Year of the Pig Personality

Year of the Pig Personality

The Pig is the last of the twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac. As the Chinese legend goes, the zodiac order of each animal is determined by the order in which they arrived at the Jade Emperor’s party. According to this legend, the Pig arrived last as he overslept, while a different tale suggests the Pig was late as he had to rebuild his home after it was destroyed by a wolf. Whatever the story may be, the Pig is characterized as a slow and steady being who is by no means extravagant in nature. The Pig is, however, realistic, practical and knows where his priorities lie. Although his contemplative and measured way of life may paint the picture of a lazy character, the Pig couldn’t be further from this in reality. He favors action and achieving results rather than sitting back and waiting for success to come to him. That said, he is not flashy or arrogant in his approach - he quietly plods on and gets the job done to the amazement of those around him. People must learn not to underestimate the Pig, as more often than not, the ones we least expect to excel are those that do exactly that. Alongside this quiet ambition, Pigs can have a materialistic streak within them. They are natural lovers of luxury and prioritize their comfort over many things. Pigs are similar to Taureans in this sense, as homebodies with a keen eye for the finer things in life. Similarly, just like Taureans, Pigs are prone to stubbornness and mood swings; they have an idea about how they wish to do things and meeting conflict in this area can lead them to double down on their fixed ideas. 

Pig Woman Personality

Women born in the Year of the Pig are typically kind and gentle souls. She is deeply considerate of other people and constantly searches for ways to make the lives of her loved ones easier. As a partner, the Pig woman is her other half’s cheerleader, supporting them and their ambitions unwaveringly. She is known to make personal sacrifices in order to help further the goals of her partner. Aside from her generosity, the Pig woman also has a sharp wit about her. She can command the energy in a room and charm even the surliest of individuals with her infectious charisma. As such, many people find the Pig woman’s aura magnetizing, although she finds it hard to let her walls down and be vulnerable with new love interests. She needs to know that her partner is willing to provide all of the care and support that she, herself, offers in a relationship.

Pig Man Personality

Men born under the Year of the Pig are passionate and extravagant divine life partners. They love to provide their partners with lavish gifts and luxurious excursions, splashing the cash and putting on an elaborate show. As wealth and comfort is so important to these men, you can also expect them to prioritize their career; they want nothing more than to create a stable and secure lifestyle for their family. Their material affections are not just for show though, Pig men are some of the most loyal and devoted of all men in the Chinese zodiac. However, the Pig man is less extroverted than his female counterparts - he prefers a smaller circle of close confidants and sits back in social situations. That said, the Pig man’s greatest downfall is his tendency to be too trusting of people who aren’t genuine in their interactions with him. He must learn to be more discerning of those he chooses to give his all to, especially in the context of his career and business dealings.

Best Astrological Matches with the Pig 

Best Astrological Matches with the Pig

The animals of the Chinese zodiac all have intricate and unique relationships with one another. The positioning of each animal on the zodiac wheel is important in shaping these relationships, but in the simplest terms, each animal has between two and four highly compatible matches and between two and four incompatible, ‘unfriendly’ matches. For instance, the Pig and the Rabbit are known to make a very solid pairing, while the Pig and the Horse face greater difficulties. Find out what the Year of the Pig compatibility looks like below.

Pig and Horse Compatibility

The Horse and Pig don’t share the easiest of romantic connections. This is because the Pig adores physical intimacy and closeness, whereas the Horse is more practical in showing their love, seeking to make their lover's life easier by providing acts of service. The Pig also finds pleasure in thoughtful dates and taking time out to enjoy the little things, whilst the Horse doesn't always grasp the intention behind these acts.

Pig and Ox Compatibility

The Pig and Ox are a match made in heaven with a strong love destiny. They both approach life at the same pace and exude very similar energies. For instance, the Ox is contemplative and measured, while the Pig is slow and meditative. They enjoy similar pastimes as a result and so much in common with one another. That said, they do have certain differences, mainly in their styles of intimacy, but these only prove to inject excitement into the pairing rather than create discord. 

Pig and Rooster Compatibility

The Pig and Rooster are like chalk and cheese, but they still manage to find plenty of common ground and can forge a healthy partnership as a result. For one, the Rooster can be brash and highly-opinionated, whereas the Pig is more thoughtful and considered in his approach. While these differences are certainly stark, the two actually highly admire each other’s quirks. There is never a dull moment between these two.

Pig and Rat Compatibility

The Pig and Rat make a harmonious duo. This is because they both enjoy debating and engaging with each other intellectually. These two can talk for hours, delving into the most abstract of conversations and conjuring the more unique conclusions. While their shared intelligence may cause the occasional competitive row, overall, the Rat and Pig thrive on being able to share this valuable character trait.

Pig and Tiger Compatibility

With some work, the Pig and Tiger can go far in love. While the Tiger may need to learn to control their temper and the Pig needs to learn the importance of standing up for what they believe in, the love potential here is great. This is because at the core of it all, both the Pig and Tiger appreciate the value in compromise. They may both be stubborn and hard-headed, but when push comes to shove, they are both able to pull down the barriers and work as a team. 

Pig and Rabbit Compatibility

The Pig and Rabbit make a truly loving and devoted pairing. This is because the Rabbit favors a softer touch and the Pig is able to provide just that. Similarly, the Rabbit wholeheartedly supports the Pig’s quiet ambitions. In short, these two are able to form a wholesome team with a focus on moving forwards together, rather than placing the onus on one partner to drive the partnership.

What is the Year of the Pig Elements?

What is the Year of the Pig Elements?

Another core component of the Chinese zodiac is that each year falls under one of the Five Elements; Wood, Earth, Metal, Water and Fire. Traditional Chinese astrology uses the Five Elements to describe interactions within the universe and the belief is that each element possesses its own energy influencing our personality and fate. As such, while the year in which we were born corresponds with one of 12 animal zodiac signs, we are also ruled by a particular element. This year, the Tiger is accompanied by the element of Water, forming the Water Tiger.

The Year of the Wood Pig

January 31st, 1995 - February 18th, 1996

Wood Pigs are charming characters. They wish to truly understand the people in their lives and take great interest in hearing what others have to say. As fantastic listeners, Wood Pigs are the perfect people to turn to when judgment-free friendship or the best love advice is needed.

The Year of the Fire Pig

February 18th, 2007 – February 6th, 2008

The Fire pig bucks the trend when it comes to everyone’s preconceptions of the Pig. These people are energetic and passionate, taking risks more than their other elemental counterparts. With their innate zeal, Fire pigs are able to smash their goals quickly and efficiently. It's not unusual to see a Fire Pig racing to the top of the career ladder faster than their colleagues. However, Fire Pigs do need to learn the importance of biting their tongue when they are tested by others.

The Year of the Earth Pig

February 5th, 2019 – January 24th, 2020

The Earth Pig is measured, contemplative and cautious by nature. They are the first people to turn to when life feels hectic and a calm, sensible voice of reason is just what is needed. Their peaceful character also earns the Earth Pig much respect and they fare exceedingly well in the workplace as a result. They get the job done well but also without drama. These individuals tend to have many friends, but place extra emphasis on their closest inner circle of comrades.

The Year of the Metal Pig

February 5th, 1981 – January 24th, 1982

The Metal Pig is more bold and audacious than his other elemental counterparts. They live life to the beat of their own drum and never say no to an exciting new opportunity. That said, the Metal Pig is known to act before thinking, making poor decisions at times and putting their foot in it. These Pigs would benefit from being a little more cautious from time to time.

The Year of the Water Pig

January 27th, 1971 – February 14th, 1972

The Water Pig is genuine, authentic and truly kind. Their generosity is unmatched and they will lay everything they have on the line to support their loved ones. While these traits are admirable and always come from a great place, the Water Pig is prone to being taken advantage of by others as a result. They need to learn that being liked by everyone is not the ultimate objective and to stand up from themselves when needed.

By now you will know that people born under the different Chinese zodiac signs have certain personality traits corresponding to that animal. Some of the zodiac signs are very compatible but others do not fare as well. If you are curious about whether you are compatible with your partner, friends, family and colleagues, make sure to find out within which Chinese zodiac year they were born.

Do you still want to know more about the Year of the Pig in Chinese astrology? There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about Chinese astrology at Mysticsense today!

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