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How to Be Courageous and Channel Your Inner Power

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
January 17, 2025
How to Be Courageous and Channel Your Inner Power
How to Be Courageous and Channel Your Inner Power

Leading a life of courage might seem difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Find out what it takes to live courageously, and how you can lead a courageous life, one good decision at a time.

Some people seem to be born brave. Nothing scares them, and there doesn’t seem to be anything they can’t do. They take command of every situation and are in the driver’s seat of their own lives effortlessly- or are they? Are brave people always unafraid and naturally make things happen exactly the way they want? Join Mysticsense to find out. Learn what courage is and if it means you’re never afraid. Find out the benefits of being courageous and how to live courageously in five easy steps. By the time you read to the end, you will know learn all the skills you need to lead a life of courage, and be an inspiration to everyone who meets you.

What is Courage?

What is Courage?

Merriam-Webster online defines courage as “Mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” Courage is also called bravery, valor, or virtue. It means that you're willing to confront danger or do the right thing even though people are fighting you. It comes from the Latin word ‘cor” which means “heart.” A healthy amount of self-confidence helps you to be courageous because if you believe that you are greater than the challenges you are facing, it makes it easier for you to try.

Plato defined courage as “a man willing to remain at his post against the enemy without running away” and “a sort of endurance of the soul.” Ernest Hemingway called it “grace under pressure.” Courage is what guides people to pursue their hopes and dreams even if people have discouraged them, and even people who have their own self-doubts can be brave- not knowing if they can accomplish their goals but being courageous enough to try.

What gives us courage though? Hope. It is hope that we can accomplish something worth taking a chance on, even if it is difficult. Maybe it’s hope that moving back to your hometown after years will give you the courage to try it even if you have to quit your job and spend a lot of money on the move. Maybe it is hope that the one you love will marry you if you ask can push you past your fear of rejection. Hope that you can get your PH.D. can give you the courage to take out school loans although they are expensive. An open mind to possibilities can help to and you can read about open-mindedness here: The Importance of Having an Open Mind

Does Courage Mean You’re Not Scared?

Some people think that those who display courage are never afraid, but is that true? It's actually not. Courage doesn't mean that no fear is there. It just means that you push yourself past the fear to do what you believe needs to be done. Sometimes we're fearful because we know what bad things could happen if we do something. Fears can be good when they protect us from real threats. Other times we are irrationally afraid. People who are courageous know that it's better to face an irrational fear head on to accomplish something than to let it hold you back. Phobias might scare us more than anything else and you can read about them here: Phobia- That Thing That Scares Us

The Benefits of Being Courageous

It's never easy to be brave, but there are some great benefits if you can be. When you're brave it empowers you and you don’t let fears hold you back. You accomplish more when you're brave than if you're too afraid to try, and other people see what you're doing, and they're inspired by you. Being courageous means you live a better life than if you’re not.

It Empowers You

When you have the courage to try something, it empowers you to take your first step to accomplishing it. How do we accomplish things? One step at a time. If you don't have the courage to try something, you might not even look into it to begin with because you automatically think that you can't accomplish it. Once you get started looking at what it takes to do what you want, you might be pleasantly surprised that it's easier than you thought it was going to be. Even if it's not easy, you may be pleasantly surprised by your own capabilities.

You never know what you're capable of until you try. Having the courage to find out gives you the ability to get started. Imagine for just a moment that anything was possible. What would you do? Are there any dreams that you've had that you've not pursued because you thought they weren't possible? If you could do anything, what would you do? What things have you wanted to get started but you just didn't think you had it in you? Be courageous and give it a try. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Start by empowering yourself with the right mindset and thoughts. Read how here: The Power of Mindset

Fears Don’t Hold You Back

Fears Don’t Hold You Back

Everyone is afraid sometimes, but brave people don't let fears hold them back. It's normal to be afraid. Fears are just our mind alerting us to hidden dangers. Sometimes when we're aware of the dangers, we can take precautions and make sure that everything's ok. We can carefully plan and see to it that things get done safely. Sometimes, we can get advice from people who have more experience and expertise than we have, and they will tell us how to be careful, and they will validate our concerns.

Sometimes though, we frighten ourselves and we don't need to. If you have talked to the experts, and reassured yourself that there's no danger, it's time to push yourself and be brave. If there's no reason you shouldn't go forward, the only thing holding you back is yourself. Take a deep breath, and say to yourself, “All is well. I am strong. I can do this.” Then, get started. The only way to move in life is forward so get going!

Meet More Goals

Being brave means you meet more goals. Pushing yourself past your fears and giving yourself a chance to prove that you can do something might not seem easy, but it's the only way that you're going to meet that goal. It's normal to have self-doubts. It's also normal to wonder if it's worth it. Most of the time, it is worth it though. What is not worth it is giving up on your goals because you don't want to be brave. Nobody ever regretted making a dream come true, but plenty of people regret refusing to be brave enough to take a chance. Meeting goals can help give you peace of mind. Learn how to get and keep peace of mind here: The Mind and Peace: Protecting Your Peace

You Lead by Example

Think of the most inspirational people you have ever met, and they will probably share one thing in common- they were brave enough to try things. That's how they accomplish the things that people admire them for. When people see you holding your head up high and moving forward in your life with self-confidence and pride, they're going to want to be like you. They might even ask you what the secret to your success is. A lot of times it's just being daring enough to take a chance that some other people were too scared to take. So, who will you be? Will you be the person who watches everybody else accomplish things you're too afraid to try for, or will you be the person that everybody else sees as an inspiration because you have the courage to try?

You Live a Better Life

Brave people live better lives than people who are not brave. You can accomplish great things if only you are courageous enough to try. There will come times in our lives when no matter how brave we are, we might fail, but we will achieve more if we try to do more. Bravery isn't something that only great people have in them. It's something we can all have. Sometimes you just have to be brave for a moment, and something wonderful will happen. Other times you have to be brave for a very long time, but it pays off.

You will take more chances and meet more goals if you are brave. There will be more victories to celebrate and life, and more lessons learned from failures. You will give yourself the opportunity to experience more things, and the more you experience, the more you will learn about yourself. You will learn how tough you can be, and you will learn more about your own vulnerabilities. You will learn what your limits are, and you will learn to push yourself beyond those limits. You will discover more of your own personal power when you are brave. Overcoming challenges can be done when you are courageous. Read how here; Overcome Challenges in Life

How to Live Courageously

How to Live Courageously

Courage isn't something that the lucky few possess. It's something we can all have, but it begins with a choice. You have to choose to be brave. Choosing to be brave is easier if you do five things. First calculate the risks, then don't let fears hold you back. Try something new while you're being brave because sometimes new things are the answer to everything. Make sure that you have a backup plan and some safeguards in place. These things will give you the confidence to do the final thing being brave requires- take a risk.

Calculate The Risks

Anytime you're looking to be brave, pay attention to what the actual risks are. Sometimes when we're afraid, we blow things out of proportion and tell ourselves there are horrible dangers. To be fair, sometimes there are, but sometimes you have everything it takes to endure the dangers and overcome them. Other times you need a little help. Sometimes once you look into things, you will discover that things really aren't as risky as you had thought they were. Even if there is some risk that comes with what you're trying to do, sometimes the benefits outweigh the risks and it's worth it. You won't know until you look into things to find out exactly how risky things are.

Don’t Succumb to Fears

Sometimes there will be absolutely nothing holding you back but your own mind because you're afraid. After you've assessed the risks, if you discover that there's really nothing to be worried about, and you're still too afraid to begin, you're going to have to admit that the problem is not the risk. It's you. Some fears are good, because they keep us from making a stupid or impulsive move. They remind us that we are human and have limitations. Then there are some fears that aren't helpful at all. They can paralyze us and make us incapable of doing anything for ourselves. Don't let irrational fears hold you back. Being brave can help you make positive changes in life. Read how here; How to Make Positive Changes

Try Something New

We all fall into habits and those habits become comfortable. Breaking our habits and doing something new can be difficult. Do it anyway. Doing everything exactly the way that you have always done it will get the exact same results no matter what. Change your approach. Change your attitude. Change what you do and try something new. You will get new results by doing new things.

Have a Safety Net

When you are being brave, you need some safeguards in place. If you're going out of town on an emergency trip to help a friend, pack a first aid kit, plenty of food and water, and make sure your cell phone is charged before you leave. If you decide to finally pursue your goal of climbing a mountain, take some other people with you just in case you need help. If you decide that you want to retire early, save as much money as possible or have a second career lined up so you don't have to go without financially. Being brave doesn't mean leaving yourself high and dry, especially when you know there are risks. Adapt and protect yourself. Living a safe life can become the meaning of life for some people, and you can read more about the meaning of life here: What is the Meaning of Life

Take a Chance

Once you have followed all of the four steps listed above, there's only one thing left to do to- be brave. Take that chance. Go ahead, do it. Nobody else will do it for you. Preparing yourself makes a risk so much easier. Imagine how you will feel a year from now if you don't have the courage to see things through. Imagine how you will feel a year from now if you have the courage to see things through and things work out. We get countless chances in life to be brave. Don't give up the chance to be brave. Help that friend who lives out of town. Climb that mountain. Retire early. Take that chance.

Brave people are praised for their deeds of valor, but they're not any more special than anybody else. Brave people just push themselves past fears because they believe accomplishing a goal outweighs any dangers. It's very important to stay safe, but it's also important to remind yourself that irrational fears don't benefit anyone. So, push yourself past those fears and have the courage to move forward. The only thing standing between you and what you want to achieve is making the decision to try it. Take that chance, your goal might be easier to meet than you think. It’s worth it!

If you need some encouragement to take a risk or be brave if only for a moment, don't hesitate to reach out to one of our psychics. We are here for you any time any day.

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