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Do You Have Spiritual Intuition?

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
June 16, 2022
Do You Have Spiritual Intuition?
Do You Have Spiritual Intuition?
TL;DR Our intuitive senses are a mystery to many, but they have a profound spiritual meaning and can be used for so much good. So, what are intuitive guides and what kind of people make the best intuitive readers? Is there an intuitive personality meaning? Find out all in this article.

Human intuition is a phenomenon we are all familiar with, but may have difficulty fully understanding. Not only this, but understanding the spiritual significance of intuition can feel even more of a daunting task. With this in mind, what is an intuitive person and how can we sport intuitive insights? Do we all have an intuitive soul, or do we have to learn the skill of intuition? Find out with us at Mysticsense today.

Intuitive Definition

Intuitive Definition

In the most simple sense, to be intuitive is to have knowledge or an instinctive understanding of something without engaging in a rational or deductive process. In other words, sometimes we just know things that we have no logical explanation for. With this in mind, all of us possess at least some level of intuitive ability. However, some of us have honed the talent while others may be neglecting these innate, spiritual skills. After all, we’ve all experienced those niggling feelings that we just can’t shake. The sudden urge to do something or the unmistakable chill through the body when things don’t feel quite right. The parental ability to detect changes in a child or the weird vibe given off by a stranger. All of these mental and physical reactions are signs that your intuition is active. However, it is up to each individual to determine how they want to progress further with their intuitive abilities.

What Does Spiritually Intuitive Mean?

What Does Spiritually Intuitive Mean?

The terms 'intuition’ and ‘intuitive’ are widely used by everyday society, although in this context, intuition is likened to a mere “gut feeling” when things feel a bit off. However, the notion of intuition is also closely tied to the world of spirituality. Individuals with occultist talents, such as astrologers, numerologists, energy workers (and many more) have to rely heavily on their intuition to perform these occult services. Both the intuitive signals they receive and how they receive them differ widely, but at the end of the day, these signals help to provide much-needed guidance and support to a wide variety of clients. In addition, spiritual intuitives are able to receive messages from higher planes of existence. So, while regular, day-to-day intuition may simply involve the vibes we pick up from each other or instinctive urges to do certain things, spiritual intuition is one step above; it may involve many different things, such as contacting the deceased, predicting the future or identifying where in the body a person needs healing (among much, much more).

What Types of Intuitives are There?

What Types of Intuitives are There?

As such, many people choose to tap into their intuitive abilities and hone a particular intuitive skill. The list is not exhaustive, but outlined below are three of the main types of spiritual intuitives. 

Intuitive Mediums

Intuitive mediums connect with the spirits of deceased loved ones. Through the use of the five clair senses, these mediums can decipher physical features, personality traits and the various personal interests of a client’s loved one. An intuitive medium may then tune into their clairaudience sense to begin communication with this deceased person, with the intention of delivering a message from the spirit world to the physical world. Mediums are an integral part of the occulist world, although we often forget how they use their intuition to connect with non-tangible entities. They have to pick up on energy and truly feel the message trying to be conveyed. It’s an intuitive skill that takes years and years of practice before mastery.

Intuitive Counselors

Through the help of an intuitive counselor, individuals can delve deeper into their emotions and psyche in order to work on personal problems they may be experiencing. Like a traditional counselor, an intuitive counselor will seek to find the root cause of a person’s emotional ailments, but by focusing far more on the visceral reaction they feel than the words said by the client themselves. Intuitive counselors also work to provide guidance by allowing the client to take on a lot of the treatment themselves, operating more as a support system on a person’s own journey of personal discovery.

Intuitive Healers

Similar to an intuitive counselor, intuitive healers use their intuition to pinpoint emotional issues and the location of physical ailments in the body. Instead of using traditional forms of medical assessment, an intuitive healer will instead opt for relying on their senses, feelings and psychic intuition. Although not always a suitable substitute for traditional medicine, many patients choose to visit intuitive healers when modern medicine has failed to produce the desired results. These patients often report feeling that they receive a far more complete or ‘rounded’ approach to treating their ailments. This is because intuitive treatments are incredibly allincompassing in that they acknowledge the inextricable link between the mind, body and spirit. 

Am I Intuitive?

Am I Intuitive?

Everyone is intuitive, although not everyone is able to spot the signs. Below are five main signs that your intuition is active and should not be ignored!

1. You pick up on everyone's emotions

Natural intuitives are highly sensitive to the emotions of others. They are so sensitive in fact, that it isn’t uncommon for intuitives to mirror the emotional state of those around them. Unsurprisingly, this can become quite draining, meaning very intuitive people may have to learn how to switch on and off from their emotional empathy. Further to this point, intuitives may not know how to shield themselves from the negative energy of other people, causing them to become withdrawn or reclusive in social settings, or behave in a way that they don’t feel is truly authentic to themselves.

2. You are a fantastic judge of character

Drawing from the idea that intuitive people have incredible empathy, they are also fantastic judges of character. Have you ever felt an overwhelming sense that a person has bad intentions or is untrustworthy, despite there being no tangible evidence of this feeling? Or, have you ever felt sure that a person is or isn’t ‘for you’ after sharing a mere hello? If so, these are strong intuitive signals that should not be ignored. We receive these messages for a reason and by listening to them, we can protect ourselves from harm.

3. You experience incredibly vivid dreams

We have all had dreams that have felt slightly ‘different’ to the rest. These dreams may be especially vivid or contain a profound message that you can’t quite shake after waking. Perhaps you felt more intune with your physical senses in the dream, or maybe your emotions were heightened far more than normal. Dreams of this nature are fairly solid signs that a person’s intuition is in overdrive. That being said, it’s important not to ignore these signs as our dreams are effectively windows into our psyche, highlighting areas of spiritual significance. 

4. The universe speaks to you

Learning to spot the signs that the universe is speaking to us is such an important part of being intuitive. The universe is constantly sending out signals in the form of repeating numbers, synchronicities, crazy coincidences and much more. These patterns exist absolutely everywhere, but only the most intuitive people can recognize them for what they truly are. Next time you’re out and about and spot something that stands out, acknowledge it as a sign from the universe and think about the message that it is being conveyed. We can learn so much from engaging with these everyday signs and signals.

5. Your mind and body are closely connected

An intuitive person can understand that their mind and body are the most important aspects of their reality, since they can only interact with the world through these means. Therefore, intuitive people listen to the signals and feelings that their body and mind present and seek to understand what those may mean. It is intuitive people who have a great interest in their dreams, potentially even experimenting with lucid dreaming to become more in touch with them. Also, intuitive people know to put effort into staying in tune with their body, engaging deeply with the needs and sensitivities of their muscles, joints, and limbs. As such, these people often incorporate spiritual and physical exercises, such as yoga, into their routines with the aim of better tuning into themselves.

How to Develop Intuitive Abilities?

How to Develop Intuitive Abilities?

Just like any muscle in the body, we need to train our intuitive abilities if we want to get the most out of them. A great place to start is by channeling our intuition through tangible mediums, such as the use of Tarot cards or reading tea leaves. This way, we can engage with what we are already familiar with, the physical, while encouraging the development of our subconscious awareness of things. Tarot is a good way to begin channeling intuitive ability as we are already provided with images and broad definitions. However, a meaningful Tarot reading requires us to tap into our intuition and assess the signals being sent out to us, alongside deciphering the traditional meanings of the cards. That being said, not everyone will feel comfortable delving deeper and deeper into their intuition. The process can be overwhelming and may open doors to knowledge that we are not yet prepared to face. While tuning into your intuition is a beautiful thing, a person must assess if they are ready and willing to encounter everything that comes hand-in-hand with the process. 

What are the Most Intuitive Zodiac Signs?

What are the Most Intuitive Zodiac Signs?

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

A sign characterized by empathic qualities, changes in atmospheric energy don't pass by this water sign. They're so emotionally in tune that they can sense that something is wrong before anyone else is even able to realize it. Whether it's that one mistake you made at work or that particular person you don't like, Pisces know it all before you do. Since this water sign is also ruled by Neptune, the planet of fantasy, it's not surprising that they are already thinking and imagining something long before it actually takes place. Also, Pisces is known for being moody, and while that tends to be fueled by their desire to be alone, sometimes the moodiness is caused by their astute awareness of the energy around them. 

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios tend to be mysterious and secretive about their own lives, but they are also masters at unearthing the many secrets of those around them. Scorpios have a tremendous sense of intuition when it comes to vibes, so they often sense trouble before it even begins. Knowing this, it's best to think twice before you declare to your Scorpio friend you've reconciled with your on-again, off-again boyfriend for the millionth time; she might reveal some deep truths you aren't yet ready for. In sum, Scorpios are naturally inquisitive so a simple hint that you're withholding information will immediately result in you becoming persona non grata.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Since Cancers are intuitive and highly aware of their emotions, it's not surprising that they heed their inner voices. As well as picking up on the emotions of close friends and loved ones, Cancers are also capable of picking up on the emotions of complete strangers. It may also be due to Cancer's intuitiveness that so many people feel comfortable in their presence - they know that their Cancer friend understands exactly what they're feeling without the need to explain.

Inklings, gut feelings, visceral reactions. Whatever you want to call it, all of us possess some level of intuition whether we are aware of it or not. It can take years to hone the skill of being intuitive, but once it has been mastered, you will understand the immense importance of this spiritual ability. 

Do you still want to know more about spiritual intuition? There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other intuitive questions you may have. Get started learning more about spiritual intuition at Mysticsense today!

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