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Is Love at First Sight Real?

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
May 30, 2024
Is Love at First Sight Real?
Is Love at First Sight Real?

You have heard people say they fell in love with their significant other the moment they met, and some people insist that is one of the signs of a past life connection. Perhaps an immediate sense of kinship or love truly is one of the signs you are spiritually connected with someone and to find your lover and know them immediately is a blessing, but is that something that can happen? Read our article all about love at first sight to find out!

Love is reported as being the most important thing there is in people’s lives. People who feel lonely have a higher likelihood of dying earlier. It increases risk of chemical addiction, cardiovascular disease, and poverty. Loneliness can make us have a drop in immune system functioning and it also increases the likelihood of issues like depression and dementia. Is it any wonder that searching for love and companionship is the most important thing there is to most people and people are always trying to find ways to draw lovers? The main question often then becomes how to know when you meet the person you love. How do you identify that you have fallen in love with them, and what can you do about it?

Plenty of people meet the person they end up with long term, but it takes a while before they settle down together permanently because love can take time to develop. Plenty of other people swear they fell for their mate the second they met them, however. Can you skip the stages of love, and go straight into a committed relationship because you fall in love instantly? Is the woman you love from the moment you first lay eyes on her a past life partner who has found her way back to you or is it just personality compatibility and trying to figure out how to interpret synchronicities is overthinking things? Is love at first sight even real and how can you tell if it is happening? Join us to find out! 

What is Love at First Sight?

What is Love at First Sight?

“ Love at first sight is easy to understand; it’s when two people have been looking for each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.” – Amy Bloom

Love at first sight is when you instantly fall in love with somebody the first time you see them. Yes, it’s that simple! Some people say they don’t believe in it, but a lot of people beg to differ. According to a poll, about half of all Americans believe in love at first sight and about half of the people polled said they had even experienced it themselves! However, psychologists say something else may explain love at first sight- and that is attraction!

We can often tell the first time we look at somebody if we are attracted to them or not. They may be somebody we think is handsome or pretty, and they may be doing something we find admirable. Simone Humphrey PsyD said we confuse lust and love and indeed many who report love at first sight state they were immediately sexually attracted to the person they say they immediately fell in love with. How does that happen though?

How Does it Happen?

“ When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew.”- William Shakespeare

Despite what doctors may or may not say, most people believe in love at first sight, and there are a few ways it happens. If you have strong psychic intuition, you can immediately tell if somebody is your type of person sometimes, and you can tell you will share love together. Sometimes, there are physical signs they are somebody you love. They may also be your soulmate and you can tell, or they may have been somebody who you loved from a past life, and you immediately recognize one another.

Strong Intuition

“Intuition is seeing with the soul.” – Dean Koontz

If you have strong psychic abilities, your gifts will let you know if somebody is meant to be in your life the moment you meet them sometimes. Some people have even told stories of having dreams about the person before they met in person, and say they knew the moment they met that they were meant to be together. Your gut psychic feelings may draw you to a place at a particular time and you won’t know why until you walk in and see your love for the first time. Those who have strong intuition are sometimes able to immediately identify the people who are brought into their lives and know at that instant that they are meant to share life together.

If you have strong intuition, go with the feelings you have about people, because intuition won’t lead you the wrong way. Overblown emotions will and overthinking things out of anxiety certainly will, but true intuition is always one hundred percent accurate and will not ever lead you astray. So go with it, trusting what you know to be true, and your intuition might just lead you to your true love! 

Symbols of Love

“ I love her and that’s the beginning and end of everything.”- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Compatibility signs can appear immediately and let you know that somebody you will connect with on a soul level is with you. An electric feeling when touching someone for the first time can let you know that your chemistry for one another is strong, but love is more than simple chemistry. Some people see how a stranger treats a stray animal and it makes them want to be near them, and others are drawn to somebody’s positive energy. Sometimes, somebody will say something that makes you laugh the minute you meet them, and others, it will just be the way they carry themselves that lets you know immediately that you love them and want to win the heart of them.



“Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.” – Richard Bach

It is also entirely possible that the moment you meet a soulmate, your heart and soul will recognize them, and you will immediately feel love for them. A soulmate is somebody who we have an undeniable connection with on a spiritual level and with whom we have an unbreakable bond. Our soulmate understands us in ways nobody else quite can and is somebody who makes us feel complete when we are with them. Some people don’t immediately recognize a soulmate, but a lot of people absolutely do. When you meet your soulmate, chances are, you will feel a deep intense love for them immediately, and you will want to never ever be without them another day of your life.

Past Lives

“ I have loved you in infinite forms, infinite times, and will love you forever.”-

Meeting someone from a past life who you were best friends and soulmates with before might mean they have reappeared to be your best friend and soulmate once again! Destinies of the soul connections we previously formed can mean we find each other in each and every life and when you knew him very well in another incarnation, to know him is to love him in all of your lives!

Ways to recognize a past life love is that you feel you have always known somebody and that your short time while you have been apart is over for good. You will likely feel immediate kinship and understanding of who this person is even though you have not had the chance to meet them yet in this life and you will feel that you belong together. You may even feel that the two of you understand one another completely, and no introduction or explanation of anything is necessary at all. When you are fortunate enough to be reconnected to somebody you have loved in a past life, you can be sure that you will pick up where you left off before, and that is with complete love and kinship for the rest of your days together. Also if you are very lucky, you will find each other in your next life too!

How To Make Them Yours

“ Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.” – Loretta Young

Attracting a partner who you have already fallen for can take a bit longer than just saying hello. A true story will explain why. A woman was going through a nasty divorce, and her soon to be ex husband moved her out of their home and into a condominium across town. She was determined to move on with her life, but was not aware that emotionally, she just was not ready yet. About a month later, she met a neighbor who lived in her building, and he fell for her the second he laid eyes on her. She just wanted to ask if he could lend her a shovel however, and was not expecting love, but yes, he lent her a shovel. She thanked him and took said shovel to do some work, and about an hour later, he came and found her. When he walked over to her, smiling, she wondered what that big dumb smile was about. It was because he was immediately in love with her.

It took her twelve years to commit to marriage with him, but eight years after they married, she realized they were not brought together by chance, but believed a past life connection had brought them back together. They called one another soulmates and were very happy to be together. They realized events had brought them both to that place they lived just so they could find one another, and they were very thankful it had happened. Maybe your own love at first sight story won’t take so long to result in commitment, but you will be seeing meaning in it the same way that the couple who were written about did.

The man was patient and allowed his to-be wife all the time she needed to heal from heartbreak, because he knew she was already his from the moment they met. He had so much love to give her, and one not very well-known love fact is that sometimes love might be there, but the relationship takes some time before it is formally committed to. The man is the husband of the author, by the way, and the author could not be happier to be married to him, her soulmate and best friend!

It’s True Love

It’s True Love

While some people insist that love at first sight does not exist, plenty of other people state they fell instantly in love with the people they spend their lives with. Some people say they recognize that love immediately, and once they met the person who they felt love for instantly, their entire lives changed for the better. Who is to say if love at first sight exists if not the people who have experienced it firsthand? Sometimes, love develops slowly and over time, and sometimes, it is immediate. No one kind of love is any more legitimate than any other, and if you fall in love at first sight, the fact you are in love is amazing, no matter how it happens!

There can never be enough said about how very important love is to each of us. Sometimes, when your whole life seems to be falling to pieces, the love of the people you have in your life keeps you going strong anyways. Scientists have found couple’s hearts beating in rhythm together in tests and physical affection like hugging with somebody you love releases emotionally stabilizing and pain fighting chemicals into your body. Being in a good relationship with somebody who you love has been found to make your outlook more optimistic about things in general, and people in committed relationships report they make less trips to the doctor and their overall health is better.

With all the great benefits to our emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing love gives, is it any wonder that finding the right people to be in love with tends to be the first thing on people’s minds? When you are seeking love or want to find ways for the person you have recently fallen in love with, you might wonder what you can do to attract your lover to you. How can you get them to notice you and how can you show them just how much you have to offer? Is there something in particular you can say or do that will magically make people love you? Is there a trick to being in the right place at the right time to draw those you are meant to share love with?

These and more questions have perplexed human beings since the dawn of time, but there is good news! Thankfully, if somebody is meant to be with you and share love, you won’t have to go out of your way to make them yours. You might have to be the first to say hello, or you may have to show up when you get an intuitive hunch to go somewhere. However, those who belong in our lives somehow find their way to us. They might knock on your door one day asking to borrow something, or they may bump into you in public, but one thing is for sure; those who love us love us, and they will be brought into our lives somehow because it’s just meant to be!

Are you looking for love advice? If it’s a love advice column you are looking for, make sure to read all of our articles about love. If it’s a love advice chat you are seeking, you can consult one of hundreds of our psychics for advice on love. You can have advice on love read twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. For the best advice on love, join us today!

We have selected the most relevant psychics for this article, you can connect with any of them and get accurate advice on this subject.

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