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What are Angel Numbers?

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
October 26, 2022
What are Angel Numbers?
What are Angel Numbers?

Angel numbers meanings can be incredibly hard to pinpoint if we aren’t entirely sure what our personal angel numbers actually are. We can look to our names or our birth dates to figure out the heavenly numbers sent from above, or simply pay attention to the numbers that appear frequently in our everyday surroundings. So, find out about angel numbers and their meaning in this article today.

What are Angel Numbers?

What are Angel Numbers?

Angel numbers may sound elusive and mysterious, but you can spot them if you know what to look out for. Put simply, angel numbers are usually a sequence of repeating numbers or a series of numbers that form a pattern (such as 1234 or 5656). What makes these numbers extraordinary, however, is that they evoke a spiritually significant feeling within a person. This is because angel numbers are a message from angels and are intended to provide support or a sign of acknowledgment to the person receiving them. They are heavenly signs that boost our confidence, remind us of our inner strength and let us know that everything is going to be okay. Only the recipient will be able to decipher the meaning behind these angel numbers, as viewing them and connecting the dots is an incredibly personal process. That said, angel numbers commonly appear when new chapters in life are about to commence; be it a new job, a new relationship or a series of travels, angel numbers reveal themselves at these moments to give us the seal of approval that we need. 

How to See Angel Numbers?

There is no hard and fast rule that dictates whether we are able to see angel numbers or not; they are always there, it just takes a level of awareness on our part to be able to spot them. So, with this in mind, make sure to keep an eye out when you are going through a particularly strained time, or a time of scary new beginnings. When all feels lost and nothing seems to be going your way, these are the moments in which angel numbers are most likely to make themselves known. Make sure to check receipts, keep an eye on the clock or even check out license plates, as angels certainly don’t discriminate against the medium through which they send their heavenly messages. However, searching too hard may defeat the point of angel numbers, as they are a sign of comfort when we aren’t expecting it. For this reason, being aware of where angel numbers are likely to show, while not actively seeking them out, is the best way to go.

What are My Angel Numbers?

What are My Angel Numbers?

As briefly touched upon above, angel numbers can show up in the most unexpected places, and when they do, they are sure to conjure a visceral reaction within you. These places tend to be extremely mundane, such as the timestamp on a video or the date on a piece of mail, and usually go completely unnoticed by all other people. Some people may find their angel numbers only appear through one medium in particular though, say the time on a phone, for example. However, once you spot this special, repeating number, you will find that it simply cannot leave you alone. By this point, it will be clear to you what specific numbers are actually signs from angels, so keep them close and embrace the angelic messaging.

Birth date Method

While angel numbers can have no direct relation to you, they can also be identified by taking the rules of numerology into account. One method within numerology is to look at your birth date and figure out your life path number. This is done simply by adding up all of the numbers in your birth date, and then adding the double digit number that results from this. For example, somebody born on June 3rd, 1999 would begin by adding 3 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 9, equalling 37. 3 + 7 = 10, meaning that this particular individual has a life path number of 10! Knowing this, this person will be aware that number tens have a deeper significance to them than other numbers, and that angels will likely include tens in their sequences of angel numbers.

Name Method

Similar to the birth date method, you can identify your personal angel numbers by adding up the numbers of your full name (middle names included), and then adding the resulting double or triple digits. If A = 1 and B = 2, this would mean someone named John Joe Smith would have a life path number of 11. If the birth date and name method in numerology produce the same life path numbers, this is incredibly significant. If they produce different numbers, you can view them both as spiritually valuable. Angels are likely to go between, or even combine the different numbers in sequences when leaving messages through their angel numbers.

Numerology and Angel Numbers

Talking about numerology and angel numbers in conjunction may be somewhat confusing. It doesn’t need to be though, as angel numbers are simply a subset of the principles and practices of numerology. Numerology is the idea that each number possesses its own unique vibrational energy and spiritual significance. When adding up the numbers of significant words or dates, we are therefore combining all of the individual qualities of each digit and producing an all-encompassing number that has a deeper connection to ourselves than the rest. Angel numbers can be identified in this way, but are more commonly found frequently and unexpectedly in the mundanity of our surroundings. They also appear during times when we are feeling vulnerable and need a little extra motivation.

Angel Numbers and Their Meanings

Angel Numbers and Their Meanings

As mentioned, angel numbers tend to be sequences of three or four numbers (such as 222 or 3333), rather than the single or double digit of a life path number. They can also take the form of patterns, such as 3535, but appear frequently in the most ordinary of settings. So, knowing this, outlined below are the most common angel numbers and the message associated with them.

Angel Numbers 111

Number ones are closely tied to new beginnings, fresh starts and embarking on a journey into the unknown. When we see number ones, it is a sign from angels that we have the strength within us to succeed whatever it is we have set our sights on. While we all have courage and strength within us, we do sometimes need a little reminder that we are protected from above. This gives us the extra motivation we require to tackle new adventures head on and make great strides when doing so.

Angel Numbers 222

Twos in angel numbers are a sign of balance and harmony. It reminds us that life is a myriad of competing forces, but in this instance, all factors are leveling out in the best possible way. Otherwise, twos can represent a split decision weighing the recipient down. There may be two job offers in the balance, or two love interests that can’t be decided between. In these instances, the 222 angel number encourages you to have faith in yourself and follow your gut. Almost always we know what the right path to take is, but sometimes it takes a little nudge from above to take the leap.

Angel Numbers 333

Threes are truly lucky numbers and a symbol that your angels are calling you to put your manifestation skills to use. There may be wants and wishes on your mind at the moment, so when you see this magic sequence, take it as a sign from an angel that you can make anything you want turn into reality. Every time you see this particular angel number, make a wish and tap into the power of the law of attraction. Little by little, we can morph our surroundings and produce the life for ourselves that we’ve always dreamed of.

Angel Numbers 444

When it comes to angel numbers, fours are pretty interesting. This number centers around hard work, dedication and productivity, or in other words, the qualities we need in order to make things happen. While threes are more about tapping into the universe and manifesting what we want, fours take a more human, pragmatic approach. When we see them, we can therefore assume that the angels are calling us to put our foot on the gear and start grinding. It may be hard at first, but the things we can achieve by doing so are virtually limitless.

Angel Numbers 555

Fives sit in the middle of the road, meaning their appearance in an angel number signifies change and transitions. Similar to twos in a sense, fives represent reaching crossroads in life and having to work to make the right decision about which path to follow. However, the key difference is that with fives, we are called to step back and let fate take the wheel. At this particular moment in time, our hard work, manifestation or personal longings will only obscure the outcome the universe knows is right for us. Fives call for patience.

Angel Numbers 666

While the number 666 may cause alarm for its long association with the devil, in terms of angel numbers, this sequence is actually very comforting. Sixes call for a redirection or a change of plan when life is starting to stagnate. It serves as a reminder from above that we can lose our head by overthinking, so will we benefit by getting our thoughts straight and forming a solid plan of action. 

Angel Numbers 777

Sevens are interesting as they are incredibly spiritual numbers more generally. So, when seeing sevens in the form of angel numbers, we can be sure that this is a heavenly message calling us to tap into our spirituality a little more. Perhaps we need to perform some shadow work to protect ourselves, or else maybe there are beautiful things waiting to be unleashed through the power of manifestation. Whatever it is, seeing sevens is usually a sign that angels are encouraging you to look to the universe for guidance at present.

Angel Numbers 888

A lucky number in various cultures already, eights are rewarding symbols that show a person’s dedication is really starting to pay off. Otherwise, they are a fortunate sign that indicates a windfall of fortune is heading for the recipient. In short, when eights appear, you can be sure that life is going to feel especially lucky and everything will seem to just go your way. The universe is abundant and these are some lucky angel numbers, so let's not forget this.

Angel Numbers 999

The number nine is important in numerology as it represents cyclicality, starts and ends. When we see nines, we are likely to have come full circle in a situation, and whether the result is good or bad, we can be confident that it has reached a resolution in some way. This means that we need to start preparing for our next cycle in life, but that there is no need for fear and anxiety - the angels have our backs and will provide us endless support as we embark on this next chapter. Seeing nines is also a sign that we need to start connecting the dots between different people and situations. Everything is soon to become clear.

Angel Numbers 000

Unsurprisingly, zeros represent a blank slate in numerology. Perhaps life has recently been completely turned on its head, or else you feel you have exhausted all options and you cannot see a clear way forward. Well, zeros appear when angels are telling us that the nature of our circumstances are soon to become clear. The whys and hows of the things that have occurred will be answered and we will feel enlightened as a result. Take this angel number as a sign to keep pressing forwards and not to get bogged down by a lack of clarity from the past. We will receive the answers we need in due time.

So, what is your angel number? There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about angel numbers at Mysticsense today!

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