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Finding Unrealized Courage Brings Release

Paula Pyle
By Paula Pyle
May 13, 2020
Finding Unrealized Courage Brings Release
Finding Unrealized Courage Brings Release

Have you ever considered that instead of following your own heart’s desire, you may be living out the unfulfilled dreams of others as a means of pacifying their deeply unresolved natures? Unfortunately, we carry within our psyches the uninvited, infiltrated voices of countless people who have ever made an impact on us. It matters not whether the impact is negative or positive, the influential voices prevail.

Restlessness, lying, weight issues, promiscuity, boredom, depression, anger, loneliness, lawlessness, health concerns, and addiction of all kinds are verifiable barometers of not knowing, "Who you are and what you want". When we are not in tune with the ‘still small voice’ who resides within the deepest recesses of our ‘natural and convenient’ selves, we manufacture a superficial existence of continued disappointment.

Bottom line: we are ‘flat out’ miserable. Because we don’t know what to do with ourselves (the untamed bodies and chatter-filled minds we carry around), we blame, criticize, and contrive drama in order to entertain and distract us. Problem is, we are not amused or diverted for long. We must return to our first love, ourselves, empty handed.

No one other than yourself carries the sacred script for your life. You are a god in the making: ‘Master of Divine Essence’ who has simply forgotten his/her celestial heritage. Endowed with numerous sensual, sublimely sexual artistic gifts waiting to be unearthed, explored, and expressed, you are charged with the ardent responsibility of discovering your creative talents. How will this incomparable self-liberating feat be achieved? By entering the door marked: Enter at Thy Own risk.

Most often times, people stare straight into the face of their most profound desires and then, turn away because someone says it would not be good for them, it won’t make them any money, or they aren’t cut out for that particular path. Now, tell me, how can they possibly know what’s good for you when an undefined particular yet-to-be manifested destiny lies buried within your frame of reference?

You are certainly NOT what you think you are; nor are you what they think you are. More importantly, are you not innately vested in trying to fulfil any notion they may have of you or for you. Besides, you are simply not inclined or interested, or invested IF the real truth be known. You, alone, are given the arduous task of excavating the searing passion pumping through your veins. No matter IF it seems totally ridiculous, unrelated and completely unattainable.

Who Are You and What Do You Want? The indomitable question will remain, feeding the restlessness in your unsettled soul, until you dare to take the risk of moving past the barriers and restrictions you’ve placed upon yourself as a ‘means’ of self-vested security. The incalculable ludicrous ‘ways’ you go about trying to find happiness in your pursuit of fulfilling a supposed role you and others have set plays itself out in sheer lunacy.

It boils down to your coming to terms with a mysterious face you’ve never met, been introduced to or have only had mere glimpses of. Having undervalued, disregarded and misconstrued your true face sublime sensuality, you have attributed characteristics to/in the other, inadvertently. Because you are not intimately familiar with the inherent resonating tone of your innermost nature, you mistake elements of character in the other which naturally reside in you.

Trouble arises in the midst of your assigning ‘yearned for’ personality traits and expecting the other to respond in accordance, instead of realizing it is you who possesses the urges and/or repressed expressions. Needless to say, complications ‘rise up’ which thwart communication and fuel unnecessary difficulties in the relationship.

We create our barriers and form our restrictions based upon false assumptions and projected ideals. In ignorance, do we shun our deepest base desires for fear of not understanding their sanctified origins? While we remain estranged from our essential, primal essence, we continue to run into walls, feeling isolated abandoned, depressed, neglected and hopelessly disinterested.

Somehow, we delude ourselves into thinking that unless the instinct driven urge is attached to a worthwhile, respectable and peer approved cause, we will fall into a blackened hole of disrepute. But, nothing could be further from the truth. We all do what we do with a lust of result’ in mind. We are not without guile. In so being, as one great master said, “if you lust in your heart, it’s as if you already committed the act.” (Paraphrased)

Never did He say, the instincts were not there for a divine reason or innocent in their formation. Yet, we continue to push aside these promptings as if they belong to someone else or as if they are hedonistic and vile without reverent purpose and sanctified cause. Ideas, we carry far too many pre-conditioned ideas of others and have so identified with them and their thoughts; we know not how to detach ourselves enough to find our ‘straight and narrow’ way.

Although detachment is the doorway to enlightenment, in the early stages (most especially, when we do not understand the whirlwind of uncertain activity taking place since we’ve never really experienced it for ourselves), we either run or hide, seeking every available avenue to numb the unnatural sensation or we try to work ourselves into oblivion.

We’ll do just about anything to keep us from facing the perpetual self-propelled demons of our precious ruthless soul’s release, stalking us. As long as we keep denying the existence of our unsettled, unexpressed, creatively artistic natures, anger, resentment, bitterness, along with an unrelenting sense of helplessness will soon follow course. Then, we are hopelessly lost in oblivion's search for a miraculous "work of wonder". It takes untapped courage to let go of trying to appease another!

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