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The Best Incense for You

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
December 29, 2022
The Best Incense for You
The Best Incense for You

Learn how to use incense and what the best incenses are for you. You can draw money or love, create more career success or personal power, and you can even use incense for protection and divination. 

The most popular incense scents tend to change every few years. Incense sticks are a great alternative to sage or other herbal smudging and can be used for simple things like affirmations, or just to help instill tranquility. With all the incenses available, it can be very confusing as to what incense is best for your needs, but we can take the mystery out of deciding for you. Whether it’s for a letting go ritual, prosperity magic, or even psychic sessions to use divination and find out your love destiny, when it comes to magical tools, no other is as potent in some people’s opinion as simple incense. Explore the best incenses for you today!

Why Incense?

Why Incense?

Incense is considered to be very powerful for manifestation because it uses things that are believed to be naturally endowed with magical attributes. Burning these substances is considered a way to release their magical properties into creation and incense is considered one of the best tools of the future to aid in when it is your time to blossom with whatever your goals are. Some people believe that smelling the incense unlocks part of us that will then bring about the changes we want, and other people believe the incense works all on its own to make positive change come about. How do you use incense anyways, and what is the best way to make incense work?

How to Use Incense

How to Use Incense

Incense is used in a few different ways. First, some people believe the very presence of the material the incense is made of creates change, and simply having it on hand when doing magic will work. Other people use incense in stick or cone form, and will light the end of the incense stick or cones, believing that burning the incense unlocks its magical ability. Still other people use whole herbs or resins, throwing them whole into a fire, or sitting them atop a specially made coal designed to burn the herbs or resins once it is heated.

One thing is certain, no matter what form of incense you use- certain safety precautions must be taken. Never leave your incense where pets or children could eat it, and don’t eat it yourself. Wash after handling incenses and keep them stored in places where the materials they are made of stay contained. You don’t want the energy of them getting out and working magic accidentally. When you are burning incense, have proper ventilation so the fumes don’t overpower you. Finally, if using coals, make sure to sit them on a fireproof surface, like a bed of sand in a fireproof bowl so you don’t burn yourself or damage anything by scorching it.

It is believed that certain incenses are best for certain purposes, and while it is always best to experiment when establishing a personal practice to find out what works best for you, everyone needs a starting point when learning about incenses for the first time. Read guides and read our guide to what incenses work best for certain things and expand from what other people say over time. Of course, just burning something won’t necessarily make things automatically happen, but it helps. Magic is just a part of successfully meeting goals, and if it helps you, use it, incense, and all.

Incense to Break Ties

Incense to Break Ties

How to disconnect from someone with incense is simple. There is actually an incense called Breaks All, and while some will use it to break what they feel are curses, is there any curse as bad as a horrible relationship you are having a difficult time cutting off from? Simply take a photo of the person you want to break ties with and a photo of you. Light a stick of Breaks All, and let it burn between your photos. It will create an energetic barrier and help burn the ties that bind you together. You can find some here- Breaks All - Box of Six 20 Stick Hex Tubes - HEM Incense Hand Rolled In India : Home & Kitchen

Incense to Help You Move On

Incense to Help You Move On

How to erase someone from your mind is easier said than done. This is something that takes plenty of time and does not happen with just burning one stick of incense. Most especially, if you are a big part of one another’s lives, it’s not going to be easy, and it might hurt. If it has to be done, however, an incense made with rosemary is great for that. Rosemary is good for purification and purifying the heart and mind of someone who is bad for you is the way to go. Burn whole sprigs of fresh or dried rosemary, or just crack open the rosemary herbs from your kitchen, and light them up. Say “I move away from you, releasing both my desire to hold onto the good times and the pain of the bad times. Farewell.”

Incense to Dispel Negativity

Incense to Dispel Negativity

How to eliminate negativity can be done in more than one way. One way is to simply air out a room where negative energy was in, and this can be accomplished by opening a window. It can also be accomplished by letting sunlight or moonlight shine into a room. However, most people prefer to use incense to do this. One incense that can be used for this is dragon’s blood incense. Often used in resin incense, it is said to ward off psychic attack and cleanse and purify a space.

More incenses for purification are sweetgrass and sandalwood. Sweetgrass is used to both purify and bless, and some people use it to do both things simultaneously. Sandalwood is specifically used by some people to purify the sacred space before ritual, and this is especially effective in cleansing the spiritual body, so many will use it to smudge themselves. Perhaps the most powerful purification herb is sage. This has an especially strong smell, and some people say it is too strong for them. That’s okay because there are plenty of other purifying incenses like sweetgrass that can be used!

Incense to Draw Love

Incense to Draw Love

Do you feel there are barriers to love keeping you away from someone? Incense can help! Rose incense is especially potent to bring in love and romance. It draws love to you and strengthens romance, especially in early stages of a relationship. Some single people love to wear rose scented oils and perfumes to attract lovers and rose incense will increase positive energy into your relationships. Roses in general, not just rose incenses, are traditionally used as gifts to those you are romantically attracted to, and it conveys love and sensual attraction.

Incense for Career Success

Incense for Career Success

How to initiate success is through hard work, of course, but some incenses help! It all depends on what you want to succeed in career wise as to which incense will be best. Cedar incense is good for overcoming anxiety as is lavender, so these can be used to quell worries and help increase calm during times when you need confidence. To help with focus and being mentally sharp, use mint, and pine which is said to increase memory and mental clarity. Bergamot is said to also increase concentration and it is used in Earl Gray teas which can be drunk instead of used as incense. Yum!

Incense to Draw Money

Incense to Draw Money

Bay leaves are famous for helping with money draw workings. Some people will put a whole fresh or dried bay leaf in their wallet to help bring more money to them, but still others will burn bay leaves. Patchouli is also used to draw wealth and money- although some use patchouli for sex drawing. That doesn’t always work out, however, as some people think patchouli smells like body odor and avoid people who smell of it! There is also a special incense named call Money that is especially blended to help bring money to you and you can get it here: Azuregreen

Incense for Divination

Incense for Divination

Seeing energy or shapes in the incense as it burns is a simple way to use incense for divination. One good incense used to increase psychic abilities is frankincense. Frankincense is believed to help connect you to the Universe, the powers that be, and all creation in general, and this helps open your awareness to the otherworld and hidden truths that are not easy to discern with your mundane senses. Cinnamon is another of the incenses good for this. Cinnamon is believed to raise spiritual vibrations, opening the mind to visions, prophetic dreams, and is used to help focus the mind for yoga and meditation.

Incense to Send Telepathic Messages

Incense to Send Telepathic Messages

Some people know how to “send a ping” or telepathic message using just the power of their minds. Other people need a little help to get the energy moving for that. Both honeysuckle and jasmine are used to increase psychic powers and lemon and vanilla also increase psychic abilities. Honeysuckle and jasmine flowers can be boiled or burned fresh instead of buying them in processed incenses and lemon peel can be air dried and then burned as well. Just ventilate well whenever you burn or boil anything so the fumes don’t overpower you.

Incense for Protection

Incense for Protection

Protection is perhaps the most popular use of incenses. High John the Conqueror is said to be a jack of all trades incense, and it is used for many different purposes. One use is to “burn away” bad energy, cleansing, and protecting, and bringing in success. Angelica is believed to be powerful when used to ask for protection from angels and hawthorn is believed to protect against all malevolent powers and beings.

To seal something protectively, sandalwood, most especially Nag Champa sandalwood is often used. It is purifying enough that it drives out bad energies, and replaces them with good ones. Garlic in the form of incense or in whole clove form can be placed or burned at the four corners of the home to ward off all malevolent forces and ginger’s medicinal properties are so highly regarded, it is used as an incense as well. Burn powdered ginger or ginger incense to ward off disease. Ginger herb, also placed underneath a child’s pillow, is believed to hold off illness as well. Nag Champa can be bought here: Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa Agarbatti Incense Sticks Box 250gms Hand Rolled Agarbatti Fine Quality Incense Sticks for Purification, Relaxation, Positivity, Yoga, Meditation : Home & Kitchen

Incense for Healing

Incense for Healing

Besides ginger being used to ward off illness, many different incenses are used in healing. Chamomile is shown to be so relaxing, it is believed to calm the mind, allowing the body to naturally keep itself healthier. Eucalyptus clears the sinuses and is believed to reduce inflammation. Juniper is said to help improve concentration and help improve sleep as well, and it is said the body heals best while asleep. Amber incense is said to increase sexual desire in men, so burn some and see if it increases libido that is wavering!

Of course, herbs and incenses are not a replacement for medical treatment. It is not recommended to shun doctor visits and just burn a stick of incense instead. Herbs, like oils and candles help get results, but they don’t get results alone. Like with anything in life, work and effort are required to be truly successful. Using incense can be a part of successful magical practice, and, and you won’t know which incenses work best for you until you experiment with them!

When it is time to bloom magically, discover love, fate, destiny, or do a plethora of different rituals, reach for incense. Of course, working with incense isn’t the only way to do powerful magic. Make sure to watch for more articles about magic, and how to do it using a variety of tools and materials with Mysticsense.

I Need Love Advice!

I Need Love Advice!

Maybe you can’t find love advice just by burning incense or reading a love advice column. For the best love advice available, you can consult an “advice goddess” or love guru with us. We have hundreds of advisors available 24/7 for a love advice chat whenever you are ready, and you can find out all about love compatibility. Join us for advice on love today!

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