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What You Should Know About Aura Cleansing

By Mysticsense
June 16, 2020
What You Should Know About Aura Cleansing
What You Should Know About Aura Cleansing

If you are interested in all things mystic, you have probably come across the term ‘Aura’ before. You may even have heard of an aura cleansing. If you are interested in removing negative energy, especially that introduced by an outside force, an aura cleansing could be just the right thing.

Maintaining a well-cleansed aura will help to preserve your spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being. There are many forms of aura cleansing, from simple exercises at home to lifelong experts who will commit a session to you.

What is an Aura?

To put it simply, your aura is a vibrational energy field that surrounds you. It is a force of energy that emanates from yourself and entirely contains you within. When interacting with other people, your aura is also connecting with theirs. Their energy may be magnetizing to yours, or it may repel your own energy, draining you. Your aura can actually adopt the emotional and psychic burden that others are putting out.

This is usually happening totally without our knowledge, even to someone well versed in the arts of the aura. The constant exchange of energy can sometimes be hard to consciously notice, but your aura is indeed being affected by your peers and the events happening in your proximity. The condition of your aura then affects your perception of the world, with a negatively charged aura sometimes giving you a gloomy perspective on life.

The Benefits of Aura Cleansing

No one wants to walk around all day, experiencing life in a purely negative way. The aura plays the role of a filter over your experience of day-to-day living, and so if this is constantly negative, your world view may become dour, and life may be less enjoyable.

Once cleansed, your aura can empower you, making you feel spiritually healthy and energized by the world, as well as more positive and generally happier.

When not cleansed, the aura can come under strain, disorderly with emotional debris, and give you a confused perspective on life. This can make you feel stressed, languid, and just generally weaker and more negative.

So, if you feel that you are dealing with a strained aura, you should try to restart it and return it to a healthy position by carefully cleansing it.

You may even decide that you would like to cleanse your aura weekly, or even daily! If so, it is possible to do this yourself at home, and you do not necessarily need to pay for a professional to come and do it. Here are the three most popular aura cleansing techniques.

Aura Cleansing Techniques

  • Smudging Your Aura

Originating in Native American tribes, smudging is perhaps the most popular method of aura cleansing. It is the practice of using smoke from dried white sage or other herbs. A bundle of herbs, also known as a smudge stick, is lit, and then the fire is made to go out. The smouldering stick will be encircled around the subject’s body, with smoke pouring all over them. This smoke is intended to infiltrate the aura and cleanse it of any negativity.

A variety of herbs can be used, the most common being sage, lavender, thyme, cedar, and sweet grass.

  • Cleansing with Water

It is known that water has brilliant aura cleansing and energy healing assets. One can physically wash with water for a great benefit to your aura’s health, or even, due to water’s properties, simply visualize water washing over your aura.

When standing under flowing water, perhaps at home or in nature, let the water wash over all parts of your body. Focus on every part of your body that the water touches. Breathe without restriction, and visualize all your problems and worries flowing away from your mind and body, as with the water.

This type of cleansing is truly beneficial to a negatively charged aura. As the water flows over your aura and heals you, so too does negativity, anguish, and bitterness, making you feel refreshed in body, mind, and soul.

As with smudging herbs, the type of water can have different beneficial properties to your cleanse. Rainwater is natural, as with a waterfall, and can speed up the cleansing process. Saltwater is also fantastic for cleaning out the aura, with a soak in a saltwater bath having the potential to recharge weeks’ worth of negativity.

  • Cleansing in Nature

Another technique for cleansing your aura is to totally immerse yourself in nature. The word aura itself actually translates to wind, or breath. As this may suggest, wind can be used to heal your aura. The next time it is windy, try to face it head-on and stretch your arms out. As with the flowing water, this rush of natural energy can eliminate or alter negative energies, refueling you with the positivity of nature.

Nature is filled with healing elements, such as plants, minerals, and crystals. Just by walking away from electrical devices and being in a completely natural state, you can have a hugely beneficial effect on your aura, restoring it to a positive state. It is important to actively forge a connection with our natural environment, which more and more is slipping away from us.

When you are out in nature, be sure to interact as much as possible with your surroundings. Jump in some water, run your feet barefoot through the grass, or stroke a flower. Connecting in this way with the natural energy fields all around you can almost immediately make you feel lighter on your feet and healthier at heart and soul.

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