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How to Use Chakras for Self Healing

By Mysticsense
April 03, 2020
How to Use Chakras for Self Healing
How to Use Chakras for Self Healing

The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and it means “wheel”. chakras are seen as spinning wheels of energy in the human body where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible healing energy is known as “Prana” and it is vital in keeping us healthy and happy.

The chakras correspond to massive nerve centres in the body. It is essential that our seven major chakras remain open and aligned for good health. The major chakras (there are many minor chakras also) are related to the seven most important endocrine glands and they are responsible for bringing together the mental, astral and physical aspects of a human body. They are also correlated with the soul. Blockages in chakras can result in physical illness and therefore a basic understanding of chakras and how to get energy flow through them is essential.

In order to work with your chakras and keep them healthy, regular meditation really helps – you’ll certainly feel the benefit!

Chakras: Try Visualising Yours to Understand Your Issues

You can concentrate or meditate on each of your chakras to find out where you spiritual health is at. Below is a list of the chakras, their colours and their position on the body. You might close your eyes and try to visualise each chakra in turn. Things to consider when you are visualising:

  • Does the colour seem dim? If so, then consider the issues which are connected to that chakra e.g. the heart is about emotional issues, if you cannot see green (the heart chakra’s colour) clearly then think about the things that are causing emotional problems. Then let those thoughts go and try to “turn up” the colour of that chakra.
  • Consider – is this chakra still or rotating, does it turn fast or slow, does it pulsate?
  • Look at the colour and allow yourself to bathe in it.

Your Root chakra is located at the base of your spine – this is a ball of vibrant red glowing light. This chakra roots us to the earth and ground us. The root chakra is about your energy and your logical and ordered mind. So concentrate on yours, close your eyes and visualise it. Try to breathe dazzling red into it.

Now move to your Sacral chakra – located behind your belly button. See brilliant Orange – the brightest glowing orange you can imagine. This chakra is about creativity, joy, passion and compassion. If you cannot see it clearly think about where you may have an issue with self-expression and letting yourself be happy.

Next move on to your Solar Plexus chakra right under your ribcage. This chakra is a bright, vibrant yellow, shining like the sun. Here we have the seat of our wisdom and personal power. Your confidence and success. Your gut instinct. If it does not light up immediately, think about where you may have an issue with confidence and assertiveness.

Now move to your heart chakra which is located in the centre of your chest near your heart. This is bright green and sometimes even pink. Chose the colour which comes most naturally to mind. This chakra is connected with relationships, love and trust. If you are having difficulty letting the green ball of light glow brightly, then think about forgiveness and trust in your life and keep your heart open and love the world around you.

Next is the throat chakra located right in the centre of your throat area. The colour of this chakra is a brilliant blue. This chakra is connected with communication. It is about your true voice and expression. If this chakra does not light up easily, think about how you communicate with others - is there something you would like to say but are too afraid?

Now you arrive at your 3rd eye chakra located between your eyes and slightly above. The colour here is indigo – a beautiful deep, deep blue, almost turning to purple. It is the colour of the night sky just after the sun has set. Here is the seat of your intuition and psychic ability even telepathy. If you cannot easily visualise intense indigo glowing from your 3rd eye, then think about how you may be blocking your intuition or not listening to it.

Finally you have reached your crown chakra, moving up from your third eye to a location just on the top of your skull. This is where the brilliant pure light entered your body. This chakra gives you a heightened awareness of self. It is your gateway to heaven and greater powers that you can imagine. If it is not a brilliant violet or purple then try to see it as pure white light – breathe pure light into it and make it sing. Open this chakra fully to receive messages, signs or symbols which are given to you from the Divine and from Angelic love. 

We have selected the most relevant psychics for this article, you can connect with any of them and get accurate advice on this subject.

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