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White Auras And Their Meaning

By Mysticsense
August 13, 2020
White Auras And Their Meaning
White Auras And Their Meaning

The term ‘aura’ refers to the invisible energy field that encompasses all sentient beings. Humans, animals and even tiny organisms such as insects have their own aura. While auras are mostly invisible to the naked eye, a little practice and meditation can help reveal these mysterious illuminations. They also appear as distinct colors, as the various energies exuded by a living being absorb and reflect color wavelengths differently. Most of us are unlikely to be able to view the exact color of a person's aura with any great clarity, but the general feeling a person experiences when in someone else’s presence is a great indication of what the color may be. 

You may be wondering why the color of auras is such a big deal; they are incredibly profound because different colors provide insight into a person’s character, emotional state and overall personal energy. The color of our aura can change temporarily as our moods fluctuate, but the overall principle color that represents us and who we are will remain constant throughout our lives. Moreover, the variation in auras are not limited simply to color - auras can vary in depth, shade, size and even shape. To gather an overall understanding of a person, all of these factors need to be taken into account, but in this article we will start off with the basics and delve into the ins and outs of blue auras specifically.

The White Aura

Interestingly, a white aura is the rarest of all. Although white is technically a shade, in this article it will be referred to as a color to keep things simple. If we start by thinking about what connotations surround the color white, we gain a better understanding of what a white aura represents. For many, the color white may conjure images of spirituality, cleanliness and virtuousness. For others, it may resonate in a more religious sense, as in many holy texts the color white is suggestive of purity and virginity. In addition, as the crown chakra is often associated with the color white, people with white auras have a deeper level of understanding of human consciousness and sentience. These individuals are some of the wisest and most spiritual in our society, and are far more likely to have a close connection with guardian angels or other celestial spirit guides. Sadly, just as a blank slate is easily soiled, people with white auras are easily taken advantage of; their purity and kindness leave them highly susceptible to mal-intent. 

Regardless of how others may treat those with white auras, these auras are the most resistant of all. Dark energy that may infiltrate a person’s spirit is completely repelled, just as the color white reflects all light. Unlike other colors of aura, a white aura does not vary in shade or tone. While a dark blue aura may have subtly different meaning to one that is baby blue, white auras are consistent and fixed in what they represent. On the other hand, a white aura can change far more easily than auras of other colors, especially throughout the different stages of a person’s life. For instance, all babies are born with a white aura - this makes sense as newborns arrive untouched and untainted by the world. Naturally, as they grow and evolve into adulthood, different external factors influence their spirit and thus alters the color of their aura. Conversely, people can ‘achieve’ a white aura in a sense, if they reach some form of personal enlightenment or choose to engage more deeply with their spirituality in later years. 


As a white aura is highly indicative of spirituality and healing, those that have one are exceedingly good at warding off negativity and dark energies. In addition to this, people with white auras often feel compelled to help ease the suffering of others; they possess an incredibly protective energy that can help to shield and comfort individuals who are vulnerable to emotional attack. If you ever feel threatened by someone else directing negative manifestations at you, surrounding yourself with white aura individuals is a fantastic way to deflect these bad vibes.

While the meaning of a white aura will vary according to religious and cultural beliefs, most people of all creeds will agree that a white aura is profoundly special and has connections to higher entities - these entities may be angels, gods or even a person’s own higher-self. Due to this, it is also believed that individuals gain a white aura after escaping near death experiences, or witnessing the ‘white room’ as they teeter on the edge of life. Again, this is suggestive of a person who has a deeper understanding of spirituality and consciousness.

In sum, those with white auras are typically loyal, pure and selfless individuals. They are connected to higher realms in ways that most of us are not, and their purpose on this earth is to protect the weak and vulnerable. 

Love and friendships

Individuals with white auras will only ever strive to surround themselves with upstanding and ethical people. You will never witness them gossiping or spreading rumours about others in order to ‘fit in’ or generate a laugh. They are also the type of friend who will pick up your call at any hour of the day, as they are consistently willing to lend comforting advice and provide a shoulder to cry on. It is not surprising, therefore, that people find the energy of a white aura remarkably healing as simply being in its presence is enough to induce a more optimistic outlook. Despite this, the extraordinary gift of a white aura can leave those who have one feeling drained by their responsibility. 

When it comes to romantic relationships with white aura individuals, a partner must bear in mind that these unique souls are easily taken advantage of by others. Their incessant need to see good in all people leaves them easily deceived. Moreover, those with white auras have a tendency to prioritize others over themselves. This means that often their own problems are sidelined and don’t receive the attention they deserve - while those with white auras are fantastic at ‘fixing’ others, they can struggle to remember to fix themselves at times. It is therefore unsurprising that romantic partners may find these innocent yet naive traits somewhat frustrating - they may wish for their white aura partners to hold their own and demonstrate some more self-assertion as they go through life. People with blue auras are believed to make fantastic partners for them as they possess the sensitivity to be able to relate, but the judiciousness needed to avoid being misled. On the other hand, the fiery decisiveness of those with red auras would serve to cause much anguish in a partnership, as these two spirits would really struggle to see eye-to-eye.

With a white aura partner, you can anticipate love to be intense, fulfilling and meaningful. You will also need to anticipate that their love extends further also, touching those in need and healing the vulnerable around them. If you can support them on this journey, expect a long-lasting and beautiful relationship. 


After learning about the selfless and pure nature of those with white auras, it will come as no surprise that the careers best suited to them involve charitable and humanitarian work. These individuals are the world’s healers meaning they thrive in medical fields, charitable organizations and animal sanctuaries. Their restorative gift will astound their colleagues as any role that seeks to provide care for others is second nature for these special people. It is unlikely to see a white aura in a highly money-motivated field as they perceive profit and status to be unfulfilling and shallow. Alongside this, white aura individuals make incredibly dependable, reliable employees as they are eager to please and wish to make life easier for those around them. 

Ultimately, white auras radiate purity and repel dark energies that seek to cause harm on others. While a white aura lacks the cool, self-assuredness of blue auras, they are the most spiritual and enlightened of any color and are bestowed upon only those who are truly worthy. As friends and lovers, those with white auras are compassionate and selfless companions. This principle stands not only for their partners, but also for wider society as their top priority is to diminish the suffering of the weak and to heal the broken spirits of the vulnerable. This extreme altruism can sometimes come as a burden though, as it requires the intervention of more rational partners to prevent their white aura loved ones from being taken advantage of.

“I ignored your aura but it grabbed me by the hand, like the moon pulled the tide, and the tide pulled the sand.” - Talib Kweli

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