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Everything You Need to Know About Reiki

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
February 22, 2022
Everything You Need to Know About Reiki
Everything You Need to Know About Reiki
TL;DRYou may have many questions about Reiki, or feel lost at the breadth of the subject. In short; Reiki is the use of spiritually guided life-force energy to help heal our physical, mental and spiritual ailments. So, with this in mind, how can we perform Reiki on ourselves or on other people? What exact health benefits are associated with the practice? Find out everything you need to know with us at Mysticsense today.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a practice that aims to heal physical and emotional trauma through the use of non-physical energy. It is defined as ‘spiritually guided life-force energy’ as it proposes that all living beings possess and are guided by an energy of the universe. Humans, animals, plants and even microscopic organisms are all vessels through which this energy flows, and as such, the practice of Reiki is essentially tapping into this energy field to create positive change in the organism. A living being may need help from Reiki when experiencing physical pain, mental issues or a spiritual blockage, so, in other words, any ailment preventing a person from living freely and contently.

So, how does Reiki work? A Reiki practitioner will use their own body to channel this life-force energy into a person in need. The practitioner will be able to identify their client’s ailment by running their hands over their energy field; this is typically done with the client lying down horizontally and having entered a meditative state with the practitioner slowly guiding their hands, slightly raised, over their down the length of the body. Changes in the energy field can be detected through a change in sensation for the practitioner, raising the signal that that particular spot needs treatment. ‘Treatment’ can vary from practitioner to practitioner, but generally speaking, they will devote extra time to the affected area by charging it with positive energy. Sometimes this process is referred to as ‘Reiki distant healing techniques’. 

The great thing about Reiki is that by positively charging a client’s energy field, mental ailments such as anxiety, stress and mood disorders are simultaneously addressed. As such, these negative pathways in the body are loosened and the negative energy is allowed to flow outwards. It’s important to note, however, that a client needs to be in an open and accepting mental state to receive Reiki treatment. A person who has a mental block regarding the practice will be unable to receive the wonderful benefits of the life-force energy. Therefore, a skilled Reiki practitioner should be able to prepare a client before a session through guided meditation and/or any other practice that allows a person to spiritually open up.

What is the History of Reiki?

What is the History of Reiki?

Dr. Mikao Usui is the founder of Reiki. He was born into a Buddhist family in 1865 and attended a Buddhist monastery as a young man where he learned many traditional Japanese practices such as martial arts and swordsmanship. Throughout Usui’s education, he showed a keen interest in both medicine and spirituality; he was interested in finding a way to heal people through the use of touch and human energy. He wanted this method to be completely secular, so that all people of all religions could partake in this form of treatment. When a Japanese-American woman named Mrs. Takata visited Dr. Usui for Reiki treatment herself, she fell in love with the practice and what it stood for. As a result, she embarked on her own journey of studying reiki and took the practice back home to the United States with her in the 1920s. Since then, Reiki has been an influential part of spiritual and holistic healing in not just the United States, but across the entire Western world also. 

What is Modern Day Reiki? 

What is Modern Day Reiki?

The same Reiki methods used by Dr. Usui all those decades ago are still practiced today. One of the central features of Reiki is that it is a tailor-made treatment that encourages practitioners to develop their own personal ‘style’ of treatment. The same core principles apply, and the notion of energy movement and energy fields remain the same, but practitioners may find that they pick up on a client’s specific ailments in slightly varied ways. Some practitioners prefer static touch, while others move their hands more quickly over the body instead. Other practitioners use Reiki as part of a combination of treatments, often alongside prescribed medication or physical therapy. Put simply, Reiki is a wonderful ‘all rounder’ in the world of healing as it performs very complementarily alongside other treatments, yet it can stand alone with great success too.

The Five Principles of Reiki 

The Five Principles of Reiki

Reiki is guided by five core principles. These principles, outlined by Dr. Mikao Usui, are mantras that all Reiki healers aim to live by in their daily lives; they focus on living in the now and making small, incremental steps towards greater change. Each principle, therefore, begins with the statement; ‘just for today’, showing that making positive changes do not need to be a daunting task - we can simply find peace in knowing that we are tackling life’s challenges one day at a time. That being said, these guidelines are powerful and positive messages that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine, regardless of their involvement in Reiki. Repeating the statements set out below every morning is a fantastic way to set the day off on the right footing;

1. Just for today, I will not worry. Stress is an affliction we are all familiar with. It has a huge impact on our physical health too, if it is not dealt with for a long time. Dr. Usui teaches us that, even if just for today, we can set our worries aside and find inner peace.

2. Just for today, I will not be angry. Frustrations and impatience are all hallmarks of a busy morning. But Dr. Usui reminds us that holding our breath, focusing on our breathing and letting go of these feelings is important if we are to let serenity win. Most things that cause us to be angry are not worth the time or energy.

3. Just for today, I will be grateful. It’s so easy to obsess over the things we lack or the problems we have. Instead, Dr. Usui encourages us to focus our attention on the things we are truly grateful for. Perhaps we are grateful for our health, our loved ones or something as simple as having a roof over our head.

4. Just for today, I will do my work honestly. We get the most fulfillment when we live life honestly and purposefully. The law of attraction and karmic energy means that when we don’t live intentionally or truthfully, we receive the same negative energy back. Dr. Usui states that it is essential to avoid this trap if we are to live happy, fulfilling lives.

5. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing. Being caring towards everyone and every living thing is essential for creating a cycle of positive energy in this world. Dr. Usui teaches us that even people we may dislike or creatures we are fearful of deserve our love, so give out some love today.

What is the Science Behind Reiki? 

What is the Science Behind Reiki?

As previously mentioned, Reiki works very well as a complementary form of medical treatment. Even traditional medical scientists respect Reiki in this context, seeing any treatment that encourages relaxation and a mindfulness of the body as a beneficial thing. Reiki healing techniques are respected as a gentle, de-stressing practice that can help a patient deal with the harsher side effects of more invasive medical treatments - chemotherapy, for example. While a lot of scientists will dispute Reiki’s healing properties in this sense, they will find it hard to deny that it is soothing and healing in its own right. Reiki’s ability to reduce stress and anxiety, alongside promoting psycho spiritual well-being is hard to ignore. 

What are the Health Benefits of Reiki?

What are the Health Benefits of Reiki?

So you may be wondering what exactly are the health benefits of Reiki. In short, Reiki is thought to increase the flow of positive energy throughout the body and thus displaces negative energy that can leave us feeling stagnant and blocked up. Stress and anxiety are shown to reduce throughout treatment and people report feeling a greater sense of mental clarity after a session of Reiki. However, one of the most significant benefits comes in the form of spiritual awakening - people report feeling more connected to the universe, gain a better understanding of the working of their own body’s energy and generally feel more spiritually in tune with themselves.

With that in mind, here is a list of health benefits associated with Reiki;

Reduces pain. By improving the flow of energy through the body, many bodily functions are able to work a lot better. Pain in the joints, nagging headaches and other uncomfortable feelings are linked to a lack of energy flow, so Reiki makes for a fantastic treatment at shifting these pains and making the body feel energized once more.

Creates balance in the body. Reiki is great at redirecting energy from unwanted areas and evening out energy levels across the whole body. When the body is feeling balanced and in harmony, the body’s natural healing abilities are optimised.

Promotes mental clarity. A calmer, more peaceful state of being can come about as a result of regular Reiki treatments, helping a person to cope better and feel more resilient. It can help you focus on the present moment, letting go of past or future issues.

Improves sleep quality. When we practice Reiki, we lower our stress and anxiety levels. As you will probably know, stress and anxiety play a large role in preventing a good night’s rest, so pushing back on these negative feelings is crucial in improving our sleep quality.

Combats depression. The healing power of Reiki can help a person achieve an overall sense of balance, both mentally and spiritually. The outcome of this may be an improvement in a person's mood which can help him or her to cope with feelings of guilt or sadness.

Can I Perform Reiki on Myself?

Can I Perform Reiki on Myself?

Many people wonder, ‘can you do Reiki on yourself?’ Surprisingly enough, Reiki certainly can be performed on one’s self. The same static hand placement and/or raised hand movement across the body can easily be performed on a person’s own body, although a person will need to opt for a comfortable position that will allow these maneuvers. Self-Reiki is incredibly powerful as not only do the exact same healing qualities apply, but it also allows a person to become even more intune with themselves and their emotions. Working through one’s physical and emotional pain does not have to be done alone, but it can feel incredibly rewarding to be able to solve your own ailments in this way. 

Benefits of Self-Reiki

Benefits of Self-Reiki

Self-Reiki is a practice that connects you to yourself and to yourself to the wider universe. Your well being increases as a result of this connection and with the knowledge that you are supported by something greater than yourself, it is easier to cope better with life's ups and downs. Not only this but performing Reiki on yourself calms the mind and the body, making it easier for you to reach your inner wisdom and knowledge. As such, self-Reiki can help you rebalance mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. With Self-Reiki, you feel calm, peaceful, grateful, and more intune with the workings of your own mind and body.

Can You Perform Reiki on Animals?

Can You Perform Reiki on Animals?

Absolutely! People underestimate how intuitive and aware animals are; animals are incredibly receptive beings when it comes to spirituality and healing. They harbor no sense of judgement or skepticism that we humans do, so they naturally respond very well to psychospiritual treatments like Reiki. Reiki can also be used for many of the same reasons that humans turn to it - animals feel anxious, stressed and experience pain just like we do. Not only this, but performing Reiki on an animal can strengthen our own spiritual bond with them. When you engage in their energy field during a Reiki treatment session, you are forming a deep connection by tying in your own energy with theirs. Reiki is especially important for pets that are suffering with past trauma or abuse, as it allows this stagnant, negative energy to be moved out and away from the body.

The health benefits of Reiki are extensive and the calming nature of the practice makes it a perfect option for almost everyone in need of some tender loving care. With the practice gradually gaining more and more respect from the traditional medical field, you can be sure that the psychospiritual benefits of Reiki are genuine. Perhaps you want to learn how Reiki works and directly affects the body, or otherwise you may want to learn the skills required to become a Reiki practitioner. Either way, Reiki is a beautiful practice that ought to be a part of everyone’s health routine. 

Do you ever wonder how to do Reiki on yourself? Or perhaps you have an interest in learning more about performing Reiki on other people. Either way, there are many Reiki for beginners resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have about the beautiful field as a whole. Get started learning more about Reiki at Mysticsense today!

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