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Weather Folklore

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
May 28, 2024
Weather Folklore
Weather Folklore

Intuitives know there is great power in nature and for generations, they have asked things like “What does a full moon symbolize?” People who naturally know that spirits speak to those who listen, also know that the earth, the moon, the sun, the seasons, and lights in the sky all have special messages to share. Since before we can remember, people have shared superstitions and folklore about the weather, and know how to work magic with it. Read on to learn about weather folklore. 

Pick a night when the waters are covered in a thick mist to walk out with a lantern to see if you can get a psychic reading from nature. What whispering spirits move within the mist to bring positive energy to anyone with psychic abilities who will listen? Watch how a bird flies overhead, and pay attention to what full moon is coming to see what magic you can weave. The light of the sun in a clear blue sky creates different energy than on a gray day, and there is magic in the wind and rain to be worked with. What folk beliefs about these and other weather are there, and what magic can be done? Read on to learn!

The Sun

What does the sun mean? For ancient people, it was a lifegiving thing that some worshiped, and others fed. The Aztecs believed that we live in a world shone upon by the fifth sun, and that if they did not feed it, the sun would disappear. That would mean no light, no plants to provide food, and no life on earth. It was believed the gods sacrificed their lives to create life and light to power the earth, so it was therefore life the Aztecs sacrificed to keep the sun nourished. In Ancient Egypt, the god Atum was the one who created everything, including himself, and he was a sun god. They believed that Atum not only created everything, but it was believed he would destroy the world he created and turn it into primordial waters again. So important was the sun to these people, they saw one of their solar deities as existing before anything else and who would be the end of all things.

In ancient British paganism, at solar festivals at times like Beltane, people sought to burn huge fires to empower the sun so it would become ever stronger and warm the earth, giving heat and light to make food grow. In dark months, bonfires were burned to give power to the sun, which was weakened, in hopes it would return with the Winter Solstice, beginning to become strong again. Chippewa people would shoot flaming arrows into the sky to strengthen the sun and people working mines in Bohemia believed a solar eclipse was an omen they would find riches while working. Not everybody saw the solar eclipse as a good thing, however. There was a time that Transylvanians believed the solar eclipse could cause plague and the Japanese covered their wells because they believed that solar eclipses could drop poison from the sky.

The sun itself was not just the center of magical belief, but the color of the sky as well. For the sky, blue color meaning is an omen to move forward because it means progress is possible. However, some people refer to “blue-skying” as having an unrealistic outlook on things, and that is not considered something that has good energy. What does the color gray mean in the sky? That depends on who you would ask. Some people believe a gray day is an omen to stay in, and catch up on relaxing or taking quiet time and doing things you enjoy. Grey skies mean bad things to other people, however, and if the sky is gray when they are setting out to begin something new, it is believed by some to portend disaster.

Sun magic can be done easily. To harness the life giving power of the sun, have a friend hold a mirror, which you face. Then have them catch the sun’s reflection as well as yours in the mirror, so it joins your energy with that of the sun’s. Another way to use the sun to do magic is to leave tea bags in a pitcher of water, until the heat of the sun has made the water warm enough to steep the tea, and then share this “sun tea” with loved ones so you may all take the sun’s life giving power into yourselves. Another way to do magic with the sun is to open all curtains and blinds and allow the power of the sun to fully come into your home, banishing all negativity which may be there. Open all doors, closets, drawers, and cabinets, and raise bed covers so the light of the sun may penetrate those spaces.

The Moon

The Moon

What does the moon symbolize? To some people, it symbolizes romance, and to others, blissful relaxation, but to others, it symbolizes far more sacred things. What the moon being sacred means to some people is that the moon phase today empowers us to make positive changes in our lives. Magical working circles to set intentions during new moon phases and full moon phases are practiced by many, with some people even doing a magical operation called “Drawing Down the Moon”. In her book Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today, Margot Adler wrote:

“ this ritual, one of the most serious and beautiful in the modern Craft, the priest invokes into the priestess (or, depending on your point of view, she evokes from within herself) the Goddess or Triple Goddess, symbolized by the phases of the moon. She is known by a thousand names, and among them were those I had used as a child. In some Craft rituals the priestess goes into a trance and speaks; in other traditions the ritual is a more formal dramatic dialogue, often of intense beauty, in which, again, the priestess speaks, taking the role of the Goddess. In both instances, the priestess functions as the Goddess incarnate, within the circle.”

This does not mean that a human is worshiped, but that the power of the goddess is brought into the body of the Priestess so the power and magic of the goddess can help to bless and empower those gathering for this ritual. Modern people are not the only ones who believe in the power of moon deities, however. The ancient Greeks venerated Selene, a lunar goddess who was believed to drive herself, gleaming across the night sky to illuminate the night. Another Greek moon goddess was Hekate who ruled the night, magic, the moon, the grave, the crossroads, and other things like entryways. She was associated with medicinal plants as well as poisonous plants and she was called upon to protect cities and homes from malevolent spirits.

What does the full moon symbolize? Full moon meanings vary by both culture and month. Some people see no magic in the full moon, while others use it to guide their magic and have superstitions about it. Some believe the full moon brings out the worst in people and drives people crazy, or to turn into werewolves. The belief that full moons cause people to shapeshift into werewolves is a fairly modern one, with older beliefs saying things causing people to change into werewolves ranged from being born with a caul on the forehead to being cursed and this transformation could happen nightly in certain instances.

Other full moon superstitions include the belief that hanging laundry out to dry under a full moon would make the clothes shine a bright white color. However, there is no evidence this works although a lot of people swear that hanging white clothes in the sun, not the moon, makes them look brighter, and leaving colored clothes in the sun fades their color. It is considered bad luck to have surgery on a full moon because some believe it affects blood flow and that the full moon makes people more fertile and want to be more amorous. 

You might not worship a moon deity or consider yourself a witch, but you can still do magic with the moon. While some see the full moon as a time to do all magic, others see it as a time to celebrate accomplishments, and for this, a gratitude working can be done. A simple way to show gratitude is to reach out to someone who is in a place where you were before you accomplished what you have, and offer help. Maybe you have excelled in your career and someone in your department has been saying they would love to learn a certain skill. Teach them. Another way to show gratitude is by scattering energy that is positive. Say a kind word to a stranger. Put out a bird feeder and keep it filled. Give a new toy to the neighbor’s pet or do something for somebody else that creates some joy to show appreciation for some joy you are blessed with.


Believe it or not, people have had some interesting beliefs about the wind. While science states the wind is just the natural movement of air, some people believe it is more than just that. In ancient Japan, a demon named Fujin was believed to be responsible for the wind. The story goes that he carried the wind in a bag and whenever he became angry, he squeezed the bag a bit, letting horribly strong bursts of it out, and creating havoc in its path. Albanian pagans have worshiped a god named Verbt, who was a god of both wind and fire. He used fire for purification and was said to hate uncleanliness, but he was also prayed to for help. A story goes that he saved a boy from drowning after people prayed to him. He used the wind to create waves that threw the boy out of the water and to safety. The ancient Greeks venerated Anemoi, wind gods, one of whom was Notus, who was the god of the South wind. He brought winds after late Summer and people worried he would destroy their crops. A Mesopotamian wind god was Pazuzu who controlled the southwest wind. While it was believed he brought plague, he was also called upon to protect mothers and pregnant women.

 Is it possible to predict the future by paying attention to the wind? Some people say it is. Birds in the wind foretell things too. A bird flying against the wind puts you on notice that somebody is not being honest with you or you don’t understand who they are. Could this prediction come true? It certainly can, so when you see a bird fly against the wind, pay extra attention to the people who you know. Wind Chimes are used to get rid of unwanted spirits, and some people believe they call the dead, while others just watch the way the wind chimes move to foretell which way the wind is coming from. Some people even believe that the wind chimes move when spirits speak, so listen!

You can use the wind in your magic. Different directions coincide with different meanings. The east symbolizes new beginnings, for example and you can use the power of the east wind to blow new energy your way. On a piece of paper, write what new beginnings you want to bring into your life, being as specific as possible. List every detail you can think of. If you want to resume your nursing classes after a break, write something like “I will register for nursing classes, and begin them the first semester after I get my student loans approved to start again. I will do all the required paperwork, meetings, and registration, and the universe will help ensure everything is approved for my financing and classes.“ Then burn your paper, and release the ashes into the wind when it is blowing from the east. Then get out there and do the work with the faith the power of the east wind will bring you its magic to help.



A refreshing early summer rain can make the world seem new again. Rain has more meaning than just bringing new , beautiful days, though. The Norse god Freyr, also known as Frey rules over both rain and the sunshine, and is also a god of good weather and harvest. The Gylfaginning in the Prose Edda says he was responsible for the fruitfulness of the earth itself, peace, and the prosperity of humanity. He was not just a weather god, but a god who had a sword that fought on its own, which he gave up to marry the woman he fell for. It was said he was the best of all the gods and freed all who needed it, but that he also broke no hearts.

Another rain deity is the Aztec rain god, Tlaloc. He rules over rain and agriculture and is venerated for being a bringer of life and food, but he is also feared because he controls hail, lightning and thunder. He is such a powerful god it was said that at the four corners of the world are four Tlalocs that hold the sky and govern the movements of time itself. In ancient times, it was believed that the patron god, Huitzilopochtli, would provide good weather if an image of Tlaloc was brought to his image because he had the ability to convince Tlaloc to make it rain.

Guajiro tribal people in South America shoot arrows to pierce the clouds and make it rain. In Chinese New Year celebrations, a dragon costume is used for a dance that is a continuation of rain dances to the dragon Yinglong who controlled rain but could also send too much rain that could cause flooding and disaster. The dance was originally designed to honor him properly so he made it rain just enough, but not too much. It is said the louder the frogs croak and sing, the more rain is to be expected and a haze, or ring around the moon foretells rain in the coming days. It is said that the rain that comes in from the south will prevent drought, but the best weather is when rain comes in from the west. Lore says that if chicks seek out shelter to expect rain and that of ducks bathe, rain is coming. Other lore says cats and dogs will eat grass before the rain and if the salt sticks in the salt shaker and wooden windows swell so much they are difficult or impossible to open, rain is coming.

While rain is well known for nourishing the earth so things can grow, it can also nourish us. Anytime you are feeling deprived or in need of support from the life giving rain, simply allow the rain to fall upon you. If it is cold and you don’t want to get wet in that kind of weather, leave a clean jar, bowl, or bucket outside to collect as much rainwater as possible, and take it inside. Get into the bathtub or shower, and say to the jar of rainwater “ Feed me, mind, body, and soul in my time of need. Replenish and nourish me with your life giving strength. So be It.” And then pour or rub the rain water all over your body. It can be heated on the stove in a pan if necessary. If the weather is nice, go out and dance in the rain, absorbing the nourishing energy of the rainwater that falls upon you.

The Rainbow

Another magical weather phenomenon is the beautiful rainbow. The meaning of the rainbow is different to many different people. The Norse call it Bifrost Bridge and say it stretches between Midgard, or earth, and Asgard, the home of the Aesir, or the principal gods. The god Heimdall guards the bridge , protecting it from anybody who is not welcome to use it. Not only do the Aesir use it to reach earth, but certain humans who died bravely will reach Asgard traveling the rainbow bridge to get there. It is said at the end times the bridge will either burn or crack, and be unusable, so take heart whenever you see a rainbow , the world is not ending! To the ancient Greeks, interestingly, rainbow meaning is also something that connects the world of the gods to earth, although some myths said it was the trail the rainbow goddess, Iris, left when she was traveling.

The Sumerian goddess of the rainbow, Tiranna was called Manzat by some Mesopotamian people and she was the one who could make cities prosper. The Akkadians said she was the sister of the sun god Shamash and she was considered a mother goddess called “lady of the city” and “the great lady.” Ayida-Weddo is the rainbow serpent of Voodoo and is a deity of fertility, wind, fire, water, snakes, and the rainbow. The red part of the rainbow serpent is male and the blue part is female. The rainbow serpent wraps its body around the earth and protects it from collapsing.

While the rainbow represents finding riches at its end in Irish folklore, and a promise the earth would never again be destroyed by water to the Christians and Jewish people, not everybody sees the rainbow as a blessing. The rainbow’s meaning to some South Americans in pre Incan times was not good, and people were instructed to protect themselves by closing their mouths when they saw it. Rainbows are believed by Amesha people of Peru to cause some diseases and Sumu people of the Mosquito Coast hide their children when they see the rainbow because they believe that so much as seeing a rainbow can cause harm.

To use the rainbow in your magic, you can work with the belief it is protective rather than a bringer of disease. The rainbow serpent protects the earth, and the rainbow shows that Jehovah protects the earth from being destroyed by water ever again. It is also considered a protected pathway between the home of humanity and the gods. Whenever you see a rainbow, say a prayer for protection like this “Blessed rainbow of protection, wrap me in your strong rays so that nothing that could harm me can get through you. Let in only blessings, and love, and joy. So Be It.” Then have faith the powerful rainbow will answer your prayer with its blessed protection. 

Lights in the Sky

Since times long forgotten, people have marveled at the lights seen in the sky. Some are planets, others stars, and still others are the amazing aurora borealis. While some assume ancient people had no understanding of what these lights mean, they understood more than we realize, and they had their own sacred meanings for them.

The stars were believed by the ancients to be more than just lights. The Milky Way, for example, might be our own galaxy, but the Blackfoot Indians of North America thought of it as something different. They tell a story of wolves who found people who were starving. The wolves were merciful and they dressed as humans and taught the people how to survive. They disappear every spring, but people can see them every winter walking “The Wolf Trail” which is what they call The Milky Way. Certain constellations, like Ursa Major and Ursa Minor were seen by ancient Greeks as evidence the god Zeus intervened in the lives of mortals and animals, saving a mother and son from disaster by placing them in the sky as constellations, or groups of stars.

Planets, too, can be viewed in the sky and ancient people had their own meanings for them. The planet Venus was associated with the goddess Inanna by the ancient Sumerians. She was the goddess who ruled that planet and some believed the planet’s activities were associated with what Inanna did. Like the planet Venus appears to descend in the west before rising again in the east, the goddess Inanna descends into the underworld but then returns again to heaven. The Roman goddess Venus was a goddess of beauty and love and girls would sacrifice their childhood toys to Venus when they became young women. Brides were said to make offerings to her, praying for her help in creating blissful lovemaking in their marriages.

The ”spirit lights”, aurora borealis were considered by the ancient Chinese to be a great red dragon who could be seen in the sky and the aboriginal Gunai people of Victoria consider them to be bushfires seen burning in the spirit realm. The Maoiri view them as torches or campfires seen in the sky as the ancestors sail to a land in the south that is a land of ice. Some aboriginal people of New South Wales, South Australia, and Victoria believe red toned aurora borealis to be the blood of warriors fighting a battle in the sky and Dieri aboriginal people of Australia believe the aurora borealis to be evidence in the sky that somebody who has broken traditional laws is being punished.

Magic with the “lights in the sky” can be done easily. Pay attention to the movements of the planet Venus as it goes through phases. While many of us have heard of Mercury in retrograde, and it's going direct, the planet Venus does this as well. Venus rules love and money and when it is retrograde, instead of actively looking to cultivate love, you should contemplate your relationships and what you want in future ones. When it goes direct again is the time to talk to the people you love and cast attraction spells. One way to do magic with the stars is for divination. Go sit outside on a starry night, gazing into a body of water or a mirror and see what you can divine from the images you see. Doing magic with the aurora borealis to communicate with ancestors can be especially powerful because so many people have believed them to be connected to the spirit world. Sit under the aurora borealis, and speak aloud to your ancestors during this time for extra clear communication with them.

Maybe ancient beliefs about things like the sun, planets, and the rainbow don’t match exactly what our modern science has to say about them, but that does not mean they are not still sacred and magical things. Dance in the rain for strength, speak to your dead under the aurora borealis, and embrace the protective power of the mighty rainbow. Open yourself to the unlimited possibilities the weather has for mystical experiences because all of creation is ready to combine its magic with yours!

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