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The 12 Full Moons And Their Spiritual Meanings

By Mysticsense
August 21, 2020
The 12 Full Moons And Their Spiritual Meanings
The 12 Full Moons And Their Spiritual Meanings

For centuries, a full moon has stood as a beacon of mystery and intrigue for various communities all over the world. It would be hard to enjoy poetry, works of art or listen to music without encountering some form of reference to this magnificent and spiritual entity in the night sky. On a cyclical and near-monthly basis, the moon shifts from new to full as it waxes and wanes. This results in the sun completely illuminating the entire face of the moon roughly once a month.

Interestingly, there’s a far more practical element to this monthly phenomenon than simply its captivating beauty alone. For thousands of years, humans have analysed the moon’s movements to track time, plant crops and harvest produce. As a result, each full moon was given its own name in accordance to the natural activities that occur within that month. Alongside this, certain traditional communities believe that each full moon has specific influences on us and our emotions. For this reason, certain spiritual advice is provided for each month and is intended for betterment of ourselves and self-growth. Listed down below are details of each full moon with their corresponding meanings.

Wolf Moon (January)

 Wolf Moon (January)

January’s Wolf Moon indicates the very beginnings of the transition between winter and spring. While the weather is still frigid and the land is still barren, it is in the month of January when all sorts of wildlife begin to emerge from their hibernations. Naturally, this paves the way for wolves to similarly wake from their slumber and begin their pursuit as mighty apex predators. This process of emerging from days of slumber is no different for us humans either - the winter holidays of the previous few months can be an incredibly exciting yet draining time for us all, leading us to wind down and hide from the world. Therefore, the Wolf Moon is a symbol that we must take our time to recuperate but be ready to tackle the new year head on when our energy is restored.

Snow Moon (February)

 Snow Moon (February)

February is a month characterized by lingering bleak conditions and limited crop harvests. In the harsher years of the past, many communities faced a multitude of challenges and obstacles during this time as they waited eagerly for the sweet relief of spring. Little has changed for us in today’s society as we struggle with the low energy levels and burn out that these later winter months bring. The Snow Moon, therefore, stands as a symbol of hope as the final full moon of winter, beckoning on the return of warmer months and happier days ahead.

Worm Moon (March)

 Worm Moon (March)

Native Americans called the full moon of March the ‘Worm Moon’ as it was during this month that worms began to appear after the ice of winter had thawed. It was an indication of new life and fresh growth after the bitter conditions of the previous season, and was a symbol of comfort for the tribes whose livelihoods were so interconnected with the seasons. Along with the arrival of worms, we see sprouting flowers and lengthening of the days. Positivity fills the air again and we may start to feel more ambitious of our goals for the year. The night of the Worm Moon is therefore a great time to write out a detailed plan of what you wish to achieve in the coming months.

Pink Moon (April)

 Pink Moon (April)

April’s full moon is traditionally referred to as the ‘Pink Moon’ and was given this name for the distinctive pale pink flowers that scatter forests and woodlands in this month. In particular, Native American tribes associated April with the birth of baby animals of which often bore a pink hue and indicated the real acceleration of spring. Not surprisingly, therefore, the Pink Moon represents rebirth and rejuvenation of all of the Earth’s living organisms - human beings included. We must remember this association, and take lessons for ourselves. Under this moon, it may be of benefit to put momentum behind possible career opportunities as there is a great likelihood that they will thrive.

 Flower Moon (May)

 Flower Moon (May)

As spring slowly grows warmer, more and more flowers bloom leaving the air feeling fragrant and vibrant. Due to this, the full moon in the month of May is referred to as the ‘Flower Moon’. This moon signifies all that is abundant and plentiful in life and encourages us to embrace the blessings that come our way. However, while the Flower Moon wants us to open our eyes to these blessings, it also implores us to not take them for granted or to act with complacency. These gifts from the universe must be appreciated as they are often fleeting and very changeable - just like the whimsical nature of spring weather.

Strawberry Moon (June)

 Strawberry Moon (June)

June’s full moon is referred to as the ‘Strawberry Moon’ as Native Americans would harvest strawberries that would be at their sweetest and ripest in this month. The Strawberry Moon would therefore act as a sign that it was time to pick the fruits and symbolized the arrival of a warmer, more bounteous season ahead. The Native American tribes who studied this moon also believed that it was suggestive of making connections - connections with the land, with others and even with the energies of the universe. With this in mind in today’s world, we may want to check the quality of our own connections; perhaps it is time to reach out to the old friend we haven’t spoken to in forever, or maybe we need to find more moments to meditate and strengthen our bonds with the universe. Whatever it may be, the key for this month is connectivity.

Buck Moon (July)

 Buck Moon (July)

The full moon in July receives the name ‘Buck Moon’ as during this particular month, young male deer born in the spring finally start to mature and grow antlers. These antlers are a display of strength and potency in order to attract mates and dominate other male deer. It is not surprising, therefore, that this month possesses a strong and masculine energy that can help to thrust our ambitions from musings to reality. Expect lots of great progress and drive in July.

Sturgeon Moon (August)

 Sturgeon Moon (August)

Since the sturgeon fish were so plentiful in this month, Native Americans decided to name August’s full moon the ‘Sturgeon Moon’. As this particular species of fish provided copious amounts of much-needed sustenance for the tribes, this month and its full moon is associated with compassion and altruism. Due to this, it is suggested that we take the time to think about who in our lives has helped us in the past and who may need help from us in the future. It’s time to ponder on what’s truly important.

Harvest Moon (September)

Harvest Moon (September)

September’s full moon, the ‘Harvest Moon’, is named for its appearance during the year’s most crucial harvesting period. It is recognized for its distinctive brightness and early rise in the night sky, allowing for crops to be harvested for much longer than in previous months. Traditionally, this moon is suggestive of forgiveness and in a sense, ‘being the bigger person’. So, when September and its Harvest Moon rolls around, expect to feel a serious drive to better yourself as a person. Your future self will be grateful for this positive change as it will lead to stronger relationships between you and your loved ones.

Hunter’s Moon (October) 

 Hunter’s Moon (October)

As the fields lay bare after the intense harvesting season of September leaving the matured and fattened animals exposed, October’s moon is aptly referred to as the ‘Hunter’s Moon’. Similar to the Harvest Moon, this full moon is particularly bright and holds in the sky from the early evening, allowing hunters to stalk their prey for an extended period of time. The Hunter’s Moon is suggested to be fantastic at helping people come to terms with their emotions. Re-evaluating challenging romantic relationships is best done during the night of this full moon.

Beaver Moon (November) 

Beaver Moon (November)

November’s ‘Beaver Moon’ was named in response to the extensive dam-building that took place by the beavers of North America. Because of this, Native Americans saw the Beaver Moon as a symbol of resilience and defiance in times of attack. Thus, during November, is it thought to be beneficial for us to remember to stay strong when we face push-back from those around us. Don’t let other people disrupt your inner peace. 

Cold Moon (December)

 Cold Moon (December)

The suitably named ‘Cold Moon’ of December indicates the onset of the colder winter season. While times might have been tougher during the colder months for Native American tribes, they revered this moon as a symbol of all that has been achieved in the seasons prior. The Cold Moon is believed to inspire us to have a lot more fun over the coming month and to revel in all the good that has been accomplished. 

Every 29.5 days, the universe asks that we take a moment to stop and contemplate what we wish to manifest and how we are truly feeling. Often these thoughts and desires are subconscious, so the high levels of celestial energy omitted during the night of a full moon serves as the perfect time to tune in a little deeper. Fortunately, every phase of the moon throughout the year is cyclical and bears its own meanings, allowing us to open and close different chapters in our lives accordingly. Looking to each full moon and studying their individual spiritual portraits is therefore a fantastic way to get the universe on our side and encourage an abundance of personal growth.

We have selected the most relevant psychics for this article, you can connect with any of them and get accurate advice on this subject.

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Soul Guardian
Intuitive/Empath Soul Guardian
$1.98 – $2.75 / min
Psychic Marcus
Psychic Marcus
Intuitive/Empath Psychic Marcus
$1.82 / min
Sensei EarthAngel
Sensei EarthAngel
Spirituality & Psychic Ability Sensei EarthAngel
$1.25 / min
Spirituality & Psychic Ability Moksha
$1.43 – $1.57 / min
Yogiraj Astrologer
Yogiraj Astrologer
Spirituality & Psychic Ability Yogiraj Astrologer
$2.82 / min
Spirituality & Psychic Ability Yashi
$1.80 / min
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