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Goodbye: When it’s Hard to Say Farewell

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
December 12, 2024
Goodbye: When it’s Hard to Say Farewell
Goodbye: When it’s Hard to Say Farewell

Saying goodbye can be difficult, and it can hurt, but it’s not always a bad thing. Learn to say goodbye, and why saying goodbye doesn’t have to mean goodbye forever.

Saying goodbye can feel impossible. It’s almost as if not saying goodbye will make your loved one never leave. Wouldn’t that be nice? Sometimes, we lose the people we love because they move away, or have to go away for a time- but that doesn’t necessarily mean they will be gone from our side forever. Then there are times when goodbyes are good things, and life just gets better afterwards. Join Mysticsense to learn all about saying goodbye. Find out why goodbyes are necessary and how to say goodbye well. Find out what to do when you have to say goodbye so you don’t lose relationships with the people you love.

Why We Say Goodbye

Why We Say Goodbye

It's fair to say that saying goodbye is not 100% necessary, but it definitely helps. It is a formal way of telling someone that you're departing from one another's presence. Sometimes we say it to be polite. When you leave work for the day, and your coworkers know that you will be back tomorrow, when you tell them goodbye it's just a nice thing to say. It acknowledges their presence and acknowledges that she will see them again soon. A lot of times though, we say goodbye when we're going to depart from one another for longer than just a day.

Saying goodbye takes on deeper meaning then. It becomes a farewell. When you tell somebody farewell, you're basically telling them that you wish them safety and happiness when you part company. You also let them know that you've really enjoyed spending time with them, and you're going to miss seeing them. If you're moving out of a neighborhood to go to another town, you say goodbye to your neighbors and you tell them that you'll miss living next to them. If you're leaving town to go away to college, you tell your friends who you're moving away from goodbye and that you're going to miss them.

The original goodbye comes from the 1570s and came from the phrase, “god be with ye”. Thus, the word “goodbye” was born. In Spanish, they say “adios” which means “to god.” Vaya con dios means “go with god.” Even the French say “adieu” which means “to god.” These things were originally said as a blessing, and for giving wishes of hope that the person or people being departed from would be safe and blessed until meeting again. Now, we say these things out of habit because we have been taught it is polite. Read more meanings of different words for goodbye here: The Holy Reason We Say "Goodbye" And What To Say Instead -

When Saying Goodbye is Hard

When you have to leave, or let someone go who you love it's difficult. It would be wonderful if we could always keep the people who we love close to us, but sometimes we can't. That moment when you part from one another to go on your ways can be one of the most painful moments you've ever experienced. It can be hard to find the right words to tell the person you love just how you feel about them and how difficult it's going to be for you to leave or watch them go. Some people practice and their minds exactly what they're going to say and other people have absolutely no idea what to say. The most difficult thing is that no matter whether you say the perfect thing or not, departing from one another is still going to be hard. So don't worry too much about exactly what you say when you depart. Just say it with love. Read about the five love languages here: The Five Love Languages

When You Want to Say Goodbye

When You Want to Say Goodbye

As difficult as it can be to say goodbye, sometimes saying goodbye is not a bad thing. When you are in a relationship that is toxic, or it has run its course, sometimes saying goodbye can be the best feeling in the whole world. This can still feel a little bit difficult when you still love the person though. Saying goodbye takes on a different meaning when it's necessary to say goodbye for good. Some people prefer to just walk away from the relationship and not explain that they are doing it. Other people want to have their say, or just inform the person that the relationship is over so that they can have some closure. It's not hard to say goodbye to somebody who you can't stand anymore, and you can read about getting along with people who you can't stand here: How to Harmonize with People You Don’t Like

Should you say goodbye if you're breaking off a relationship? That depends on you. Will it make you feel better to have a conversation and end things? Will it make you feel better to just walk away? Some people don't say anything. They just leave. This is because sometimes, when you decide to leave because it's necessary, the other person will try to stop you from leaving. They might promise that things will be better, but it’s happened with them before they never keep their promises. So why bother? Some people would not feel right if they left without saying goodbye. Only you can decide whether to say goodbye or to just leave. Read about moving forward from relationships here: Move Forward or Get Back Together With Someone?

How to Say Goodbye

Besides just saying the word “goodbye", there are some things that you can say when you have to part ways. When you're going away, make sure to tell people that you love them, and you'll miss them. You can tell them that you wish that you could stay together. You can tell them you know and understand why you have to leave. Most importantly you can tell them not to forget how much you care about each other and how much you mean to each other.

I Love You

“ I love you” are three words that terrify some people, but it doesn't have to be that way. If you really love someone when you're going away or they are going away, make sure to tell them that you love them. This is especially important if you have never told them before, and this departure will be for a long time if not for good. If you don't tell someone that you love them, you might regret it. Tell the people who you love that you love them when you are saying goodbye. You might not get a chance to tell them again. Read about love at first sight here: Is Love at First Sight Real?

I Will Miss You

Besides telling people you love them, tell them you're going to miss them when you're saying goodbye. There are a lot of wonderful things that we have to look forward to in life. We have our hobbies and our careers. We have our pets. We have our futures that we are planning for. Most of all, we have relationships with wonderful people. When we say goodbye we're not going to get to see them as often, if at all anymore. So, when you're telling someone goodbye, make sure to let them know that you will miss seeing them. Are you concerned they might think you love them too much? Find out here: Loving Someone More Than They Love You

Wish We Could Stay

When you are parting with someone who you love, you can tell them you wish you didn't have to. Sometimes saying this can make people change their mind about leaving. Sometimes they can't help it and they have to leave anyway, but if you tell them that you wish you could stay together it can make them feel closer to you. Tell the people you love how you feel about them and let them know that you want them in your life. It might make them decide to come back to you when they can. Sometimes things go wrong in love because we don’t say the right things. Read more here: When Things Go Wrong In Love | Forbidden Love

I Know Why You Have to Leave

When parting is difficult, sometimes telling your loved one that you understand why they have to leave makes them feel better. It will not make them stop wishing that they didn't have to leave, but it makes them feel emotionally supported by you. We don't always get to decide whether we stay or go, and when we have to leave and we don't want to, that's difficult enough. When the people who we don't want to leave are upset with us because we have to leave, that makes it harder. Letting your loved one know that you understand why they have to leave makes them feel better and they will appreciate your understanding. Read about gratitude here: Learning to Have a Grateful Heart

Not Forget

When you have to bid one another farewell, make sure to tell the person you love to remember the good times. Tell them to remember how much you mean to each other. Tell them to remember the tough times you got through together. Tell them that you will remember everything they taught you, and you will never forget what a positive impact they have made in your life. Most of all, tell them to remember that you are still a part of one another's lives even though you're not together all the time. Some relationships are forever, even if you're apart from one another. Always remember that. Read about the power of memory here: The Mysterious Power of Memories

What Comes Next?

What Comes Next?

When you have to depart, things will not be the same. The people who you love will be somewhere that you're not and you will miss them. You may feel empty for a while without them, and it can be difficult to find new people to spend time with instead. Of course you will make new friends with time, but that doesn't mean that the people who you've departed from aren't still in your heart. Luckily, goodbye it doesn't always have to be forever. You can stay in touch, plan to visit one another, and emotionally stay close even when you're physically apart.

Stay in Touch

There was a time when people had to keep in touch with letters. Not too long ago, people started using letters as well as telephone calls to keep in touch. Then there came a day when a lot of people had cell phones, so it became even easier to get in touch with people when we were away from them. Today, we live in the digital era. Video calls and emails can send messages in an instant. It has never been easier to get in touch with people than it is today. So, write letters and send postcards and gifts. Make phone calls and send texts. Do video calls and send emails. Do whatever you have to do to keep in touch with the people who you love. Just because you're not physically together doesn't mean you can't be in touch with each other. Some people won’t call no matter how often you ask them to, but why? Find out here: Why Isn’t He Calling Me?

Plan Visits

Travel is easier and less expensive than it ever has been too. So, it's easier to take trips to see the people you love than it ever has been before. When you can't live close to the people you love, you have the same problem that a lot of other people have. You live apart! So, you will have to travel to see each other. Just keep one thing in mind: don't put off all of your traveling until you retire. You never know what your health or finances will be like in the future, so go ahead and plan those trips while you can. Speaking of trips, have you taken a “trip” on psychedelics before? Read all about them here: Psilocybin & Other Psychedelics: Holy or Toxic?

Stay Together Even Apart

There might be many miles between you and someone you love, but that doesn't mean there has to be a distance between your hearts. Staying in touch with one another and making it a point to take trips to visit each other are just two ways that you can stay close emotionally when you can't be close together physically. Keep gifts that your loved one has given you close to you when you want to feel their presence. Make sure to remember their birthdays and any important anniversaries that you share together. Make sure to speak well of them and to tell stories about them whenever you can. Physically, you might be apart but emotionally, when you love someone, you don't have to be. Real love is unconditional and you can read about that here: Unconditional Love Meaning

Saying goodbye can be the most difficult thing that you ever have to say to anyone. It can feel unfair, and it can feel like the end of a relationship. Just because you can't be close to each other physically doesn't mean your relationship is over, though. How often you get to see each other will change, but the way you feel about each other won't. If you really love somebody, you can continue a relationship with them even if they're not nearby. Stay in touch with them, go to see them, and do things that make you feel emotionally close to them even when they're not around. Saying goodbye might be difficult, but it doesn't have to be forever.

If you are still having trouble finding the right words when you know you're going to have to say goodbye to somebody soon, reach out to us any time any day. Our psychics will help you to know exactly what to say.

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