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How Do You Know If Your House is Haunted?

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
June 13, 2024
How Do You Know If Your House is Haunted?
How Do You Know If Your House is Haunted?

Is my house haunted? That is a question a lot of people ask, and if you are asking, it probably is. Find out how to tell if your house is haunted and exactly what to do about it if it is. 

There are strange sounds throughout the house, and the young person is home alone, terrified of the sounds. Suddenly, doors fly open, electricity starts flickering on and off, and screaming ghosts chase after them. What modern supernatural fiction portrays as hauntings might have you terrified of ghosts, but how would you feel if you found out ghosts in your house don’t have to scare you? Join us as we learn about hauntings in your house. Find out the signs of a haunting, if ghosts are bad, and exactly what you can do if your house is haunted.

What are Ghosts?

What are Ghosts?

Ghosts are the spirits of people who have died. Some people believe that ghosts immediately go to the afterlife and other people believe ghosts can remain in the land of the living and walk among us. Some people are terrified of ghosts, but if a ghost is just a human spirit that has left its body, guess what? You have a spirit in your body too. You are not a ghost yet, but you will be someday. So, ghosts are not necessarily entities to be afraid of. Some people stay in contact with their departed loved ones and believe they continue to love them, give them guidance, and protection.

Signs Your House is Haunted

As of writing this article, the world population is at over 8.1 billion people. Our species appeared about 200,000 years ago, and species of hominids who existed before us began to appear as early as 4 million years ago. If each of these beings had a spirit, and became a ghost when they died, guess what? There is a possibility that billions of ghosts are in existence, and there is a very strong chance at least one will enter your house at one point. It is highly unlikely one won’t, so at some point, your house is probably going to be haunted- or have a ghost within it. Real hauntings are reported often, but some things are mistaken for hauntings.

Real Hauntings

If a ghost is in your house, you will be able to tell. Usually, physical signs like things disappearing in the house are not signs, but things you can actually feel are. You, your children, or pets can sense ghost’s presences. You can also see ghosts.

You Feel a Presence

When you are alone at home, and you can tell someone is in the house, go and look for them. If you can’t find anybody, it’s probably a ghost. Why can people tell ghosts are there? Our spirit can sense other spirits. It’s nothing supernatural or something some people can do but others can’t. Although some people’s ability to sense ghosts are stronger than others, anybody can learn to detect ghosts. If you sense a ghost in your house, don’t assume you are imagining things. Deep down, you know. 

You See Ghosts

Can we see ghosts? We actually can. Some people believe we can only see a ghost if it wants us to, but other people believe we catch glimpses of them even if they don’t necessarily mean for us to. How you see ghosts is by detecting a sudden movement out of the corner of your eye and can’t identify what it is. Often when this happens, turning to face what you saw results in them disappearing. The color or textures of things can look different for a moment and then go back to normal. Things might also look blurry. This means you probably saw a ghost.

Children and Pets Can Tell

Children and Pets Can Tell

Pets and children are more receptive to seeing spirits than a lot of adults are. This is because they have not learned to disbelieve in spirits. Modern society teaches us that ghosts are not real, and it is our imagination when we think we see one. How can you deny ghosts exist after your child is comforted by an unseen force around the time your mother dies, and the next day they say they saw grandma? How can you deny there is a spirit communicating with your pet when they are focusing intently on literally nothing? If your pet or child behaves as if someone is there, but you cannot see anybody, chances are they see a ghost. 

Not a Haunting

There are some simple things science explains that people may mistake for spirit presences. People assume if a door opens or closes on its own, a ghost must have opened it. Sounds you cannot identify probably are not caused by ghosts. Being scared after seeing a scary movie or show can have you paranoid about ghosts, but that does not necessarily mean there are any ghosts around.

Doors Opening or Closing

Anytime a door opens or closes, there is a reason. Sometimes, in older houses especially, some settling of the building will have occurred. Walking through a hallway can press on the floor in such a way a door opens or closes on its own. Floors tilt over time, and doors will shut on their own because of the angles of the doorways and weight of the door. The wind can pull a door closed and open doors as well. If latches on doorknobs are old, they may not hold the door closed and a door can swing open on its own. The humidity and temperature can make wood that many doors are made of swell or contract. This can change how easy it is to open doors and how well they stay closed as well. Your door hinges might need to be adjusted and that will keep doors from opening or closing on their own. 

Strange Sounds

One child was terrified of an awful sound she heard in her bedroom all winter long. She believed ghosts were coming for her. Miraculously, in the Summertime, the sound was absent. The truth was, the resident manager had put a cover on the outside of the window air conditioner unit over Winter, and when the wind blew or it rained on the cover, it made a lot of noise. Creaking stairs are considered proof of spirits and odd sounds in the attic are as well. Creaking stairs result when the stairs could use some repairs or reinforcing, and sounds in the attic could be wind, or even small creatures like squirrels or mice scurrying about. If you hear odd sounds, investigate, because there is probably a mundane reason for them.

You Saw a Scary Show

You Saw a Scary Show

One woman watched an exorcism movie and panicked. She was hysterical for hours, believing that evil spirits were coming for her right then and there. She read scripture after scripture about demons that night and made herself feel worse. Spirits never came for her, but she told herself she was about to be kidnapped by them. Scary shows scare you and put you into something called fight or flight mode and can pump a lot of adrenaline into your body. This heightens your senses and puts you on edge. Every little sound can make you terrified, and not everybody likes this feeling. Just because you saw a movie or tv show about something scary does not mean that scary things are about to happen to you. It’s okay if you can’t stand watching scary movies. Remember, fictional shows and movies are meant to entertain, not educate about reality. Enjoy the scary movies or step away from them, but don’t worry. A scary show or movie will not make a scary situation happen in your life. Bad dreams can also make you think spirits are around.

Are Ghosts Bad? Can I Talk to Them?

Ghosts are like people. Some do good things, and some do bad things. By definition, a ghost is the spirit of someone who has died. If they still walk the earth, they may have exactly the same personality, intentions, and behaviors they had while they were living. If they hurt people while they were alive, they may want to continue hurting people after their death. If they loved and protected people while they were alive, they will do the same thing after they die. Feeling watched over by the spirit of a departed loved one is different from being stalked by a malevolent ghost. Think of it this way, a human can break into your house, steal what you own, and even hurt you, but a ghost can’t do any of those things because they don’t have physical bodies anymore. Even if a ghost haunting your house is bad, you will be okay.

So, are ghosts bad? Not necessarily. Even if a ghost has bad intentions, you don’t have to be a victim. There are things you can do to protect your home and protect yourself. Some people ask their clergy person to intervene and cleanse the house, but other people do it themselves. It doesn’t necessarily have to come to that. Speak to the ghost just like you would a person. Say what you want, and ask them to respond. They may not respond immediately. They may respond in a dream, or you might hear a living person say something and know that is your ghost answering you. They might even respond by sending you a psychic message, or some positive energy. It is just as easy to talk to ghosts as it is living people. Just be patient and listen. You will understand what they are telling you.

What to Do if Your House is Haunted

Ghosts. The very word terrifies some people to tears and panic attacks, but some people insist that ghosts and spirits are nothing to be afraid of, and actually feel comforted by the presence of ghosts. How can you know how to react to a ghost in your house if you have never encountered one before? It all depends on the ghost, their behavior, and how you feel about sharing your house. Some people believe ghosts and spirits are protective, and other people just don’t want any spirit present in their home at all.

Make Peace

Ghosts are different from people. They don’t need clothes, food, or furniture. They don’t drive cars or go to work, and they don’t have to pay bills anymore. In other words, they are not going to take up space in your house like a living person would. Unless they have bad energy, bad attitudes, or you just don’t like them, you can coexist with the ghost in your house. Speak aloud to them, introducing yourself and thanking them for welcoming you into the home you share. Then, tell them you welcome them. You can even ask your ghost if they can reveal more about themselves to you and inspire you to know what their lives were like. Some ghosts stay in houses where they lived, but others are just passing through. Making peace with them whether they stay or leave might be all you need to do about a haunting.

Make Friends

Some people even believe they know who their ghost was when they were living and they call them by name. Some people leave gifts of burning candles, incense, or plant flowers for their ghosts. Some people even ask their ghosts to help protect them and their family and watch over the house. Befriending your ghost won’t make you the neighborhood weirdo. It will make you friends with a spirit that lives in your house and can benefit you. So, go right ahead and be friends with your ghost if that’s what you want.

Clean House

If you don’t want the ghost in your house, for whatever reason, simply tell them they have to leave. Remember, they don’t have bodies and don’t need the shelter human beings do. If they lived in the house before you, they may have an emotional attachment to it, but if they are causing problems for the living, it is okay to “evict them.” If you feel that is harsh, speak aloud and set some rules for them to follow. It’s your house and whoever lives there must abide by your rules. Speak with authority and they will respect your wishes.

Some ghosts did bad things while they were alive and will cause problems for the living after death. Even when this happens, it is highly unlikely they will possess the living, or cause disasters like modern horror fiction portrays. If you think you have ghosts, you probably do, and there have been so many people alive throughout history, you will definitely have a ghost in your house at some point. Don’t be afraid of ghosts. You can coexist peacefully with ghosts or tell them to leave. It is your house, and nobody is welcome there unless you allow it.

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