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How to Find Something You Lost Using Psychic Abilities

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
May 10, 2022
How to Find Something You Lost Using Psychic Abilities
How to Find Something You Lost Using Psychic Abilities
TL;DRHow to find things you’ve lost having a sixth sense is easier than it is for those who don’t have strong psychic abilities. Sometimes all you want is to find your car keys you’ve mislaid at home, and others, you are searching for a beloved lost pet. Then, there is the quest to reunite with loves from our past we made the mistake of letting go of and the search for a long-lost past life partner may take some time, but prove worthwhile. Join Mysticsense to learn how you can use your psychic abilities to find lost objects, lost pets and lost people today.

How to find things and loves you have lost may feel impossible at times, but if you have psychic gifts, you stand a better chance of success. Those psychic gifts aren’t just there to let you know how to do tarot readings for other people, after all. If you can use no tools and go by instinct, allowing the energy of an item or a being you love to draw you near, stop reading now, and teach your friends how to do it. However, for most of us, it takes a little bit of work to use our sixth sense to find things and people and pets that are lost, but the good news is, once you know how, it will aid you in your search.

What methods can help find lost things at home and how can you read energy to retrace your steps to find something lost away from home? Is there a surefire way to reconnect with people from your past you realize you should not have given up a relationship with, and what help can psychic gifts be in finding a lost pet? Finally, what proof is there of meeting someone from a past life to reestablish the relationship after being apart after reincarnating? Join us to learn these amazing things and more.

How to Find Lost Objects

How to Find Lost Objects

How to find something that belongs to you that you have lost is a skill you can develop and what methods you use will depend on your personal gifts. Some people can envision the object and actually SEE where it is, while others will just start moving around, and sense if they feel it is nearby or farther away. Reading one article won’t immediately tell you how to find every lost object no matter where it happens to be, but some methods of how to use your psychic abilities in your search will give you ideas of things to try while you are learning which techniques work best for you.

Before we begin, let it be known that sometimes things are gone for good. A bracelet that falls off while you are canoeing that sinks to the bottom of the lake may never be yours to wear again and a hat that blows away while you are in a cruise ship may end up miles away very quickly- and might get too damaged to salvage anyways. There is no guarantee you will reunite with it even if you know how to find something lost but that shouldn’t keep you from developing the ability.

How to Find Lost Jewelry

How to Find Lost Jewelry

How to find lost earrings is perhaps one of the simplest things to find because your energy is on them, and that will help you track them down. Truthfully, how to find lost gold jewelry or any other personal item is pretty much the same way. Retrace your steps you took and go all the places you went when you last had the item with you. Instead of just looking, however, try to FEEL for the item instinctually. If you feel a temperature change when something of yours is near, pay attention to that. If you feel a change in mood when you have that item on hand, pay attention to when you feel that way.

Before you begin your search, sit back, relax, and ask your inner voice where you THINK it could be, then search there first. There is a saying that “It’s always the last place you look” when you are searching for lost items, and a very wise saying that goes along with this is “Of course, because once you find it, you stop looking!” Your search may be very short if your psychic instincts can lead you to exactly where it is before you embark to try and find it.

How to Find Something You Lost at Home

How to Find Something You Lost at Home

How to find lost items at home is simpler than finding them away from home. You don’t even need to go anywhere! However, depending on the condition of your home, and how much stress you are experiencing, it may take longer than expected. The way to avoid losing things at home is to keep the house clean, organized, clutter free, and make sure you keep everything in its place at all times. If you work for a living, have kids, or a social life, that may be easier said than done, and this must be maintained over time. You wouldn’t want to tear the house apart all in one weekend if you mislaid a favorite book, however, if you keep said book in the same place each and every time, you are not likely to lose it.

What gets lost more often than anything else seems to be car keys, wallets, or purses, simply because those things are most often used, and of course having one place for those things helps immensely to keep them from getting lost, however, there may come a time when you are under extra stress and forget where you put them, and you lose them at home. If retracing your steps, asking yourself instinctually where the item is, or feeling for their energy doesn’t locate it, another way to try and find it is to use a pendulum.

There are different pendulum methods, but one tried and true method some people swear by is to sit still, holding the pendulum and watch which way it moves towards, and go in that direction in your search. Stop and look in the area where the pendulum directed you, and if it doesn’t immediately guide you to the lost item, ask it again, and see which way it moves you. The pendulum is a tool some people have no use for , but if it is a tool you use well, enlist it in your search for your things you lose at home.

How to Find Something Lost a Long Time Ago at Home

How to Find Something Lost a Long Time Ago at Home

This is more difficult. The longer an item is lost even if it is at home, the harder it is to find, and if your psychic abilities don’t lead you to what you have lost, there is one boring, mundane thing that will almost certainly help you locate your lost item. Do a full house purge and reorganization. This isn’t a whole lot of fun, and might take a long time, but this is your best bet to find what was lost if you have been searching for a while and just can’t find it. While you are doing this, it can be very tempting to stop if you get tired of the process, or once you find what has been misplaced, however, it is worth it to tough it out, completely organizing the whole house once and for all.

You will probably find a lot of other things you either forgot you had or had not been able to find for a while during this. As somebody with psychic gifts, the energies of what you own will be strong. Things you don’t use have energy too and compete with both the space and the energies of what you use. Having too many things you cannot or will not use in your space can congest the energy flow and block your psychic abilities as well as the ability to concentrate and relax. Get rid of whatever you own that is no longer useful, and it will clean out all distractions and clutter from your space. Get into the habit of doing a full house purge multiple times per year, and you won’t have to worry about unnecessary things building up.

Meditation to Find Lost Items

Meditation to Find Lost Items

What if after doing all of these things, your item is STILL missing? Rather than just give up the search, try meditation on the item. There are two different ways to do this. First, you can sit or lie comfortably in whatever bodily position you so choose and clear your mind. Calmly breathe in and out for a few moments, and then ask your spiritual self to reveal where your lost item is. Some people can get messages this way about whatever questions they may have. It doesn’t take paying for expensive classes or searching for specific alternatives to sage burning if you can’t endure the smell of smoke during meditation or even holding special crystals because sometimes your mind automatically answers your questions during meditation in this way.

Another method of meditation is to focus on a topic, thinking many different ways about it. When you set time aside time on a particular topic, and focus your concentration specifically on it, you may suddenly remember things you had not thought of before. You may remember the last place you had your item, and recall hearing a clinking sound, but had not thought anything of it because you were running late and were in a hurry to be someplace. You may be pleasantly surprised when you return to the place you remembered the clinking sound only to find your lost item is right there, waiting for you!

How to Find Lost People

How to Find Lost People

How to find a partner or pet you have either lost or have broken off communications with can be easier than you would think. Sometimes, we are meant to be in one another’s lives long term, and others, temporarily. If you love somebody and want them back in your life, there are things you can do to get back in contact with them. If your pet is missing, don’t give up, but use the power of psychic gifts to help in your search for them.

I Lost the Love of My Life!

One of the most heartbreaking things is to lose somebody who you truly care about. Maybe you had a falling out, or maybe you lost contact as children, and you truly want to reconnect with somebody who you love and don’t want to be apart from anymore. When you lost contact and an initial search doesn’t turn up any results, before you search any more, do one thing. Send out your energy to their heart. Telepathy between hearts sometimes makes a magic force that creates reunions.

 One woman was deliberately kept away from her father for nineteen years and she always sent love his way and prayed she would get to see him again. One day, she was cleaning out a lockbox at a family member’s house and found an address and phone number. She dialed the phone number and within minutes heard her father’s voice and arranged a visit. Your own reunion with a loved one may be as easy as sending a message to their heart and asking for the help of the powers that be to bring you back together again.

If you had a falling out, regardless of which one of you decided to cut things off, one of the most magical things you can do is to be the one to reach out and ask for reconciliation with your loved one. Sometimes all that needs to happen is that one of you reopens the door to communication and you both remember the love you shared, and it is effortless to come together again. It takes a lot of courage, and if you have it in you to create that powerful love magic, your loved one may instantly be back in your life for good.

Finding Lost Pets

Finding Lost Pets

In a poll, the ASPCA discovered that about fifteen percent of pets were lost at some point and that eighty five percent of dogs were brought home while seventy four percent of cats were. There is hope if your pet is lost! Pets are family members, and some people cannot get by without their fur kin. If the unthinkable happens and your pet comes up missing, you can reach out to your local animal shelter to give you suggestions of how to find them. Each community has different agencies and organizations devoted to finding lost pets and rescuing them. Working with your local groups can help you be reunited with your pet, and hopefully they will never be lost again!

If all else fails, and you cannot find your lost pet no matter what physical searches or psychic searches you try on your own, don’t hesitate to consult with a pet psychic. Mysticsense has multiple advisors who can help with this. Some pet psychics can tell exactly where the pet is, and others will know if there is hope of a reunion. Don’t give up the search for your beloved pet. Chances are they are terrified and desperately need to be returned home with you and are counting on you to find them since they cannot come home on their own.

To read more about Pet Psychics, see here: Pet Psychics - The Animal Whisperers (

Before moving on to the next topic, please know there have been times pets have been missing for extended periods of time, but still made it home to their families. One pet was missing for years and was miraculously reunited with their family.

Grab the tissues before reading about their amazing story: Riverside County animal service chief John Welsh reunites cat missing for 7 years with family in Tennessee - ABC7 Los Angeles

Finding Past Life Loves

Finding Past Life Loves

Some people insist that somebody who they are lucky enough to have in their current life was with them in a past life as well. How do you know if you have been together before?

How to Know My Past Life Partner

How can you tell you have met somebody who you used to love in a past life? What are the signs of past life connection? Is this different from liking somebody the first time you meet them? Yes, it is! Somehow there is a strong kinship there, and it can feel like you have always known each other! Other times you recognize them immediately and other times you love them the moment you first lay eyes on them.

Immediately Recognizing Them

Have you ever met somebody for the first time, and it felt like you already knew them? Some people will assume maybe this new person reminds them of somebody they already know, but when they don’t, and they feel they have known them before anyways, chances are, they knew each other in a past life. You can be sure you came back in each other’s lives for a reason, and if you are lucky, you will be together again for a long time.

Love at First Sight

Some people assume love at first sight is about natural attraction and chemistry, but that’s not always the case. If you loved somebody deeply in a past life, when you are brought together again in this life, the love will still be there. A deep love that happens the moment you meet somebody can only be because that love was already there, and thankfully, it didn’t diminish before you were brought together again. True love is forever and yours stood the test of time over multiple lives.

Shared Memories

If you meet somebody and remember the same things as they do from past lives, you were together then. If you both remember being around standing stones, and eating the same types of foods, and find yourselves together in this life discussing it, chances are you experienced that life together, and you will also be together for a while this time. Maybe you will create new memories in this life and be together in the next life as well.

Shared Current Life Experiences

It may seem odd, but if you and somebody have had very similar experiences in this life, you may be repeating things that happened in past lives and have been brought together again. Some people have been in military warrior roles in multiple lives and return again and again to their sisters and brothers in arms each time they serve in the military. If your paths in life led you the same places, doing the same things and you had no other connection other than that, chances are in a past life you were together, and your current lives brought you together again.

A Feeling of a Strong Connection

Perhaps nothing else has happened to make you believe you were together in a past life besides an immediate strong connection you feel to somebody when you first meet them. You may not be romantically drawn to one another or feel like family members, but you know you are somehow connected and belong together. This could be because you were together in a past life and your bond has not been broken despite the fact you are experiencing a new incarnation.

If you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you and a loved one were together in past lives, you need never question what your heart tells you. Love is timeless and outlives our short lifespans. If you and somebody you love have been brought together again to experience more life together after already loving each other in past lives, you are very fortunate. May you have many happy years and many future lives together.

When you have lost something or somebody or a pet that is dear to you, if an ordinary search doesn’t result in them being found, use your own psychic gifts to help you. It could be as simple as quieting your mind, and your inner self will immediately tell you where what has been lost can be found, or it may take a little bit of work, like sending psychic energy out to connect your hearts. One thing is certain, the human ability to perceive things beyond what can be seen with the eyes or heard with the ears has provided answers many times and can lead you to whatever or whoever is lost.

Don’t dismay if you need help, though, because you are never alone. Mysticsense has over two hundred psychics who are either pet psychics or can help find lost things. There are relationship coaches who can help you find a way to reach out to a long-lost love, and psychics who can help you learn about past lives as well. Join us at Mysticsense to get help finding what or who was lost and reunite today!

We have selected the most relevant psychics for this article, you can connect with any of them and get accurate advice on this subject.

Soul Guardian
Soul Guardian
Intuitive/Empath Soul Guardian
$1.98 – $2.75 / min
Psychic Marcus
Psychic Marcus
Intuitive/Empath Psychic Marcus
$1.82 / min
Clairvoyant Gal
$3.22 – $4.97 / min
Advisor Holly
Advisor Holly
Soulmates Advisor Holly
$6.45 / min
Insights by DP
Insights by DP
Affairs & Cheating Hearts Insights by DP
$2.82 – $3.71 / min
Clairvoyant TheGuardianAngel
$1.58 / min
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