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Which Signs are Most Compatible with Aquarius?

By Mysticsense
February 10, 2022
Which Signs are Most Compatible with Aquarius?
Which Signs are Most Compatible with Aquarius?

Being an Aquarius, you’re known as the aloof and stranger one of the zodiac signs, so it’s important to find someone who you’re compatible with and will keep your interest. However, if you’re looking for an Aquarius in your life, you might want to find out the zodiac signs that Aquarius are most compatible with and how you can attract them into your life. 

Aquarius signs are part of the air element, so matching someone who is part of the same element group or a compatible element group is an ideal place to start. Opposites do sometimes attract, so finding out if your relationships are compatible can help them improve. Most signs find Aquarius to have wonderful and interesting qualities, yet some are more compatible for them than others. 

Aquarius Personality Traits

Aquarius Personality Traits

Having your birthday between January 20th and February 18th means that you’re an Aquarius. As mentioned, Aquarius is part of the air elements alongside Gemini and Libras. However, they are often confused with being a water element, due to the symbol being a water bearer. The water bearer represents truth, which Aquarius signs appreciate when looking for compatible partners. The outpouring of water represents the upfront nature of an Aquarius.

Aquarius signs are ruled by Uranus, associated with discovery and intuition, meaning they are inquisitive people and are often very intelligent. They have a no-nonsense approach to life which can sometimes come across as blunt, which is why Aquarius signs need to find a compatible partner sign to deal with their aloof ways.

Most signs admire Aquarius signs as they see the world as their oyster, however this is not to be confused with arrogance. Aquarians have faith in their own abilities and know how to achieve things they want in life. This trait is what makes them so enticing to other signs, especially in terms of romantic relationships. Full of charming quirks, Aquarians posses the power of communication and are the perfect mediators. It’s no surprise that people are attracted to Aquarius signs, when they have so many positive traits.

Traits Compatible for Aquarius Signs

Traits Compatible for Aquarius Signs

There are certain traits in a personality that really catch an Aquarius’ eye. Regardless of your sign, if you possess these traits, you can always make it work with an Aquarius. 


A sense of humour will get far with Aquarius signs, they like to keep things light and fun in life. Aquarius signs want someone who doesn’t take life too seriously and can have a laugh and a joke with them, they don’t have time for a bore!

Aquarius signs make their own rules when it comes to humour (much like everything else in their life) and they appreciate someone who does the same.


Give an Aquarius a challenge, and they are in their element. Having a partner or friend who is a complex person, with emotional intelligence, means an Aquarius can unravel their personality. Solving mysteries and personality puzzles are an Aquarius favourite pastime. 

However, don’t mistake complexity for emotionally closed off. An Aquarius wants someone with deep thoughts but also can be light-hearted. It’s a fine line of keeping an Aquarius’ attention without seeming cold or rejecting them. 


Aquarius has no time for coddling or being super sensitive with their partners or friends. They need someone who has their own hobbies and interests, a more independent person. It’s important to make sure Aquarius don’t feel suffocated by their relationships, so having your own life is a priority. 

Traits Not Compatible with Aquarius

Traits Not Compatible with Aquarius

If your sign is one that is compatible with an Aquarius, there are certain traits that can still turn them off. Lots of signs share similar traits, especially those within the same elements, however if they are more leaning towards the traits an Aquarius doesn’t like then regardless of compatibility, it could spell disaster. 

Being Nosey

A nosey person is a red flag for an Aquarius who likes to live by their own rules in their own worlds. Aquarius signs are often accused of living with their heads in the clouds, however, this isn’t true. They are grounded people who like to stick to their own business. Poking your nose where it doesn't belong is a sign of low compatibility with Aquarius signs, they find it rude and unnecessary, plus it’s seen as a sign of lack of trust between them and their partner. 

Possessive Tendencies

As mentioned before, an Aquarius wants someone with their own independence, not someone who they need to be around all the time to feel comforted. Possessiveness is a bad sign for an Aquarius, as they don’t like to coddle or be coddled and suffocated by relationships. The key is to give them space enough to be themselves without being too distant.

Aquarius Relationships & Friendships

Aquarius Relationships & Friendships

Depending on the type of relationship, an Aquarius will be compatible with different types of signs. Certain zodiacs make better Platonic connections and have higher compatibility in friendships for Aquarius signs. However, other zodiacs have the best compatibility for love connections and passionate relationships. 

It’s important to remember that zodiac signs shouldn’t be the determining factor for relationships, but used to better understand them. Knowing compatibility scores for your sign means you can focus how to explore relationships with more knowledge on yourself, what you want in a partner.

Aquarius Friendship

Aquarius signs love people who are uniquely themselves and stay true to their characters. The honesty from Aquarius signs means they need friends that keep the same core values as they do and uphold the same qualities. No friendship is true with backstabbing and gossiping, which is why it is so important for an Aquarius to find others who hold the notion of justice highly in their priorities. It’s often a make or break in compatibility with an Aquarius to be honest to yourself and others all the time. 

To be free spirited like an Aquarius, you must have no side of you that wishes to gossip or act fake around people. Once an Aquarius knows they can trust you and have formed a solid friendship foundation with a high compatibility, they will have no hesitation with jumping into thrilling experiences with you.

Aquarius Best Friendship Compatibility 

Aquarius & Libra

A Libra is the best compatibility match for a friendship with an Aquarius. Libras and Aquarians have a very flexible view on life, which means debating their favourite topics is the perfect pass time. Neither of the signs are stubborn in their views on things, making them an ideal partnership for deep conversations and learning more about the world. The flexibility of a Libra comes from their earth element traits, they’re grounded but not stubborn or set in their ways.

The Aquarius and Libra compatibility also comes from their passion in life, looking for activities and hobbies to do together whilst still having their own space. This type of Platonic relationship is what an Aquarius craves from their friendships, someone who isn’t too needy and will keep them excited. If an Aquarius doesn’t hear from you in a while, they understand life is busy, and this is reciprocated with Libras.

Both signs tend to not hold grudges with their peers, they hate being petty and don’t want any part of a shady friendship. This makes the communication channels in the friendship perfect, as they are always on each other’s level. 

Similar to an Aquarius, Libras have their own rules, with humour favouring inside jokes and quick wit. Aquarius needs someone who can keep them laughing for hours, which is why Libras are so compatible with them, as they don’t take life too seriously either when they want to bring out their unique sense of humour. 

Aquarius Relationships

Much like their friendships, Aquarius signs like someone who is independent and keeps them excited. A sign with a carefree spirit, who is spontaneous and fun-loving, is perfect for an Aquarius to ensure a passionate relationship. 

Being mutually respectful is key to any romantic relationship, but Aqurians need someone who is happy to let them have their space and won’t get too precious over it. There is a fine balance with Aquarians, they want to have their space but want their partner to have their own life. Possessive traits and signs that are very sensitive about being alone are not compatible with Aqaurians at all. 

Although they do love their alone time, an Aquarius appreciates open and honest communication from their partners. If a sign has a poor communication trait or doesn’t like to live with their cards on the table, it’s a pointless relationship. An Aquarius needs someone with high emotional intelligence to understand that having space doesn't equal distance in their love. 

Aquarius Best Relationship Compatibility 

Aquarius & Sagittarius

A Sagittarius is the most compatible sign for a romantic relationship with an Aquarius. They both have very similar outlooks on life, pushing the spontaneity within relationships and keeping each other on their toes. The Sagittarius sign belongs to the fire element group. This element group have a strong suite of traits that Aquarius signs are compatible with.

As mentioned before, Aquarians need their own space and independence, the same is to be said for Sagittarius signs. Neither of the signs are needy or overly sensitive when it comes to personal space, hobbies and time spent alone. Both signs can flourish in their own lives whilst bringing thrills and fun to one another.

These two signs are also very willing to open up with one another, which keeps the lines of communication healthy. This is a core part of a relationship for Aquarians, and Sagittarius signs are more than happy to reciprocate. 

Compatibility for Zodiacs

As previously mentioned, it’s important to know that zodiacs help give us a snapshot into a person's traits, personality and relationships, but shouldn’t be used to solely determine if a person is compatible for you. 

Explore more on relationship compatibility for your sign, delve deep into how to improve understanding your loved ones, and work on low compatibility relationships.

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