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The Top Ten Sagittarius Zodiac Flowers

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
August 10, 2023
The Top Ten Sagittarius Zodiac Flowers
The Top Ten Sagittarius Zodiac Flowers

Sagittarians are born from November 22 to December 21. They are high energy individuals who love variety and thrive when they are busy experiencing new things. Highly adventurous, they also need a lot of freedom, and don’t like to feel tied down to things or people. They are the life of the party and excel at making people laugh.

Their lighthearted approach to life means they seldom allow things to stress them out, but the dark side of Sagittarius is they can be irresponsible and childish, not wanting to commit to anything lest they feel trapped. They are some of the least judgmental people you will ever meet, though, and they believe everybody should be free to live the life their heart desires.

What Are the Top Sagittarius Zodiac Flowers?

The top ten Sagittarius zodiac flowers are:

1. Wild Roses

2. Laceleaf

3. Bird of Paradise

4. Clematis

5. Snapdragon

6. Echinacea

7. Chamomile

8. Damiana

9. Wine Grapes

10. A Mixed Bouquet

1. Wild Roses

These roses are not what you will see in prize winning gardens, but they have an ethereal beauty of their own. There are plenty of varieties of wild roses all over the world that come in shades of pink or white, and while some grow in woodlands, others grow proudly in the bright sunshine in exposed meadows and prairies.

Blackberries, another member of the rose family, are often mistaken for them because of the abundance of showy white blossoms they have before fruiting. Like any rose, wild roses are covered in thorns, so take care when you touch them. Wild roses can also spread faster than you would expect, so it is recommended you be careful of where you plant them lest they take over your garden.

Wild roses are associated with fairies and are believed to bring good luck. The goddess Freyja used roses to protect warriors in battle and in general they represent love, passion, and beauty. It is said that if you have a dream about wild roses, you are being told to focus on self-care, prioritizing your own needs.

Roses ward off evil and their thorns are protective. Seeing wild roses when you were not expecting to can represent new beginnings, indicating that you are about to begin a new phase of your life. Rose petals are burned for purification, and the scent of roses is believed to be healing.

Magic with wild roses for Sagittarians is best done where they grow in nature. This is because these roses share the spirit of freedom that Sagittarians embrace, and both wild roses and Sagittarians are difficult if not impossible to confine. During times when a Sagittarius is feeling bogged down by constrictive things they can’t break out of just yet, a magical walk with nature can help cleanse their spirits.

Head to the woods by yourself and take a day off if you need to. Pack the things you want to eat and drink and go in, quietly listening to nature. When you come to the wild roses, see how they grow wherever they want. Visualize absorbing the magical ability to do this and after your walk, return to your constrictive environment empowered to find a way out.

2. Laceleaf

Also called anthurium, there are over 180 different species of laceleaf, and they are characterized by tall, colorful heart shaped blooms that grow from the center of the plant. Laceleaf grows mostly in parts of South America and has become a popular houseplant around the world. They can be grown from seeds or cuttings and the blossoms can be red, purple, orange, yellow, white, or pink.

They need to grow in environments that have high humidity, and they do best in partial sun, getting burned if the sun exposure is too strong. In nature, they like to vine up other plants, but can be supported with a trellis, and they can also be grown directly in a vase of water with no soil at all. This plant will alert you that it needs to be placed in a larger pot by sending roots above the soil level.

This plant symbolizes hospitality and is believed to create abundance. They also eliminate joy and are kept in homes because they make people happy. The plant represents passionate love and sex because it contains both male and female parts and can be used as an aphrodisiac. It flowers up to ten out of twelve months of the year and thus symbolizes stability, reliability, and trust. The plant is toxic to both animals and people if ingested, so don’t eat it to absorb its magic.

Sagittarians love to entertain and to be invited to parties at friends’ houses. The laceleaf can be taken by a Sagittarian to a gathering as a host or hostess gift to express appreciation for the hospitality, and it can be used to make a home more comfortable. Get a large vase and fill it with water, leaving a small amount of space at the top.

Place some pebbles in the bottom, as they will act as something for the plant’s roots to anchor themselves to, and place a rooted laceleaf into the vase. Pour off a little water if you need to, but make sure to keep the water level replenished as the plant uses it. Add some liquid fertilizer every few weeks. The plant will be a life form that lives in your home, and magically makes it cozier and more inviting.

3. Bird of Paradise

Also called the crane flower, this evergreen is native to South Africa and Hawaii. The plant can grow up to 6 1/2 feet tall and its leaves can be up to one foot wide. The sturdy plant creates a good perch for birds, which drink its nectar and in turn pollinate it. In warm places that don’t get cold winters, it establishes itself outdoors easily and it needs little care. It is tolerant of poor soil conditions, but temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit are not good for it. It takes a while for the bird of paradise to thrive from a seedling, but it blooms multiple times a year once it is a mature plant.

The flower symbolizes joy and having a positive outlook on life. It represents faithfulness and is given as a 9th wedding anniversary gift. In South Africa, it represents magnificence and is associated with royalty. It symbolizes excitement and anticipates good things. Named after the bird of paradise, the flower represents freedom and mobility and the happiness of being able to control your own destiny. It also represents tropical paradise on earth.

Sagittarians thrive when they can make all their own decisions. This extends to every aspect of their lives, from relationships to their career, and the bird of paradise plant can help them regain control of their lives if they have lost it. If you feel somebody has a hold on you, and you want their ability to control you to be broken, get a silk or live bird of paradise flower to represent you.

Then find a flower that represents the person who is in control, and tie the two together with a red thread. Light the thread on fire, burning it, but not the flowers, and say “Your power over me is broken”, and then discard the flower that represents the other person. This will help break the cords that bind you to the controlling individual.

4. Clematis

Clematis is fourth in our list of the top ten Sagittarius zodiac flowers. A member of the buttercup family, clematis is native to Japan and China, but has become a beloved garden flower across the world. Climbing up sturdy vines, it is often seen growing up trellises, or even fences and mailboxes, and the clematis tolerates a variety of soil conditions. The clematis is called “the queen of vines” and the flowers can be green, red, pink, purple, blue, or yellow.

There are about 380 species of clematis, and some even bloom in wintertime. Clematis can be grown from seed, but it can take months for a seed to germinate, so a lot of people prefer to buy an established clematis to plant in their garden. It is best to wear gloves when tending your clematis because they are toxic, and they are best transplanted in springtime.

Clematis represents the beauty of morality and the pleasure that comes from doing the right thing. It represents cleverness and quick thinking, as well as a good sense of humor. It is associated with traveling well and enjoying the trip, possibly because of its ability to move itself far from its roots as a climbing plant. Not only that, but it is also associated with the devil because it can overtake other plants and kill them. Furthermore, it also represents intelligence because the clematis has the ability to adapt to grow in a variety of environments and still thrive.

Because Sagittarians love to travel, and the clematis symbolizes enjoying trips, it can be carried on journeys. Keeping in mind that clematis is toxic, a small card that has a portrait of the clematis on it can be carried in your wallet or luggage as a good luck charm to help ensure your trip goes well.

Sagittarians are known for their amazing sense of humor, and they love to use that to make people happy. Plant clematis at places of despair like medical facilities or funeral homes and include them in bouquets for people who are grieving to help make them happy. A clematis planted at home can be a joy as it blooms and vines up its supports, and it will make you happy every time you see it.

5. Snapdragon

Famous for their “dragon” shaped blossoms, snapdragons are native to North America, Canada, North Africa, and parts of Europe. There are only about 40 species of snapdragons, but there is a lot of variety, with some snapdragons only growing about eight inches tall, but other kinds get as large as four feet tall.

They come in a rainbow of colors and prefer the cooler temperatures of spring and fall. Don’t let them fool you when they stop producing new blossoms in summer, though. Continue caring for them and they will bloom again in the fall. Pulling the dead blossoms off snapdragons will make them last longer as well.

Squeezing the sides of the flower will make the “dragon’s mouth“ open, and the dried seed pods are said to resemble human skulls. In Ancient Greece and Rome, it was believed that snapdragons protected against malevolent magic, and they were sometimes worn around the neck as protective amulets.

In Germany, snapdragons were hung near a baby bed to keep the baby safe, and snapdragons were planted outside the gates of castles for protection. Hiding a snapdragon in your clothing is believed to make you more fascinating, and they are also believed to ward off bad luck.

Sagittarians definitely don’t need help with being more interesting, but everybody can use some protective magic from time to time. Carry a dried snapdragon blossom in your wallet to help ward off thieves, and plant snapdragons near doorways and windows of your home to ward off danger and malevolent energy.

Save dried snapdragon seed pods in a small jar or bag and place this beside a photograph of a loved one who is deceased. Ask your loved one to watch over you and keep you safe from harm. Once you feel they have blessed your snapdragon seed pods with their protection, take the seed pods anywhere you feel you could benefit from their protection.

6. Echinacea

These members of the sunflower family are native to meadows and open woodlands in North America. They are drought tolerant plants that grow over four feet tall, and their name comes from a Greek word that means “hedgehog” because they have spiky gold and black centers. Echinacea is also called coneflower, and it is well-loved by bees, birds, and butterflies who feed on its nectar and pollinate it.

It is a flower that comes back every year and is used in wildflower and pollinator gardens to include a native plant in the garden. They are especially well-loved for gardens because they are deer resistant, and their drought tolerance is much appreciated in dryer regions. Don’t pull spent blossoms until the birds have eaten the seeds, however, as they are a great food source for our feathered friends.

They have been used medicinally for generations. It is a belief among the Ute that elk seeks out echinacea to eat it for its healing properties. Plains tribal people traditionally used echinacea root to make medicine to treat swelling, pain, and burns. It is used in sweat lodge ceremonies, and it is considered sacred medicine by the Navajo.

Some people insist that echinacea naturally lowers inflammation, fights colds, the flu, and boosts the immune system. Keep in mind, however, that over the counter echinacea products vary in potency, so they may not be effective medicine.

Sagittarians can still use the echinacea in healing magic, even if a local echinacea supplement does not work on its own. Instead of ingesting factory processed echinacea products, simply buy live echinacea flowers. If they are native to your region, plant them in your garden to feed birds, bees, and butterflies, and put a cut echinacea flower in a vase next to your bed, so you can heal from any illness you may have while you sleep.

The flower head can be used for protection, and so can the seeds. The best way to use echinacea for protection is to simply plant it in your garden and allow it to naturally surround your home with its protective energy.

7. Chamomile

Next in our list of the top ten Sagittarius zodiac flowers is chamomile. Native to parts of Europe and Asia, chamomile is famous for its fragrant teas that many use for relaxation. Its name comes from the Greek “chamos” which means ground, and “melos”, which means apple. It grows to about thirty inches in height and is a shrublike herb. The flower grows on long stems and has tiny white petals and a yellow center, which is dried and used. It is a pest repellant and attracts beneficial insects. Chamomile grows easily from seeds and grows well in full sun.

It has been used medicinally to treat insomnia, stress, headaches, upset stomach, and inflammation. It is used to both purify and protect, and it is considered to have antiseptic qualities. Not only that, but it is used to break spells and ward off negativity. Chamomile is used in love spells and to quell tension between friends and lovers. It is believed to attract good luck and is used to induce relaxing sleep. Chamomile is also used to aid in dream work and is said to ward off nightmares and make dreams pleasant.

Because Sagittarians are so well liked, they sometimes find themselves in the role of peacemaker when mutual friends have a disagreement. If you want to ease tensions between people, mediate by serving chamomile tea or boiling fresh chamomile in water to release its aroma and create a calming atmosphere.

Sagittarians also find it difficult to sleep sometimes, and drinking chamomile tea can help to relax them so that they sleep peacefully. Chamomile can also be used to make dreams prophetic. Put a sprig of fresh cut chamomile next to the bed, or a bag of dried chamomile under your pillow, and allow the natural magic of the plant to help your dreams give you answers. Be aware that, like any plant, chamomile can create allergic reactions or counteract with pharmaceuticals.

8. Damiana

Damiana is a shrub native to Central and South America, Texas, and the Caribbean. It is used to make an alcoholic beverage that is called “the original margarita” and has fruits that taste like figs. The shrub grows well in even poor-quality soil as long as there is good drainage, and it produces small yellow, daisy-like blossoms.

If it does not get enough light or is in soggy conditions, it is prone to mold. It has been used medicinally as an aphrodisiac and to treat symptoms of anxiety. It is said that people with liver issues and nursing women should not have damiana and too much of it can cause hallucinations.

Sagittarians are characterized by the lusty centaur, and probably won’t have any issues with sexual arousal, but arousing their partner might take a little extra effort. If the usual dinner and a date does not work, ask your partner if they would like some damiana tea as an aphrodisiac.

For single Sagittarians who would like to attract a lover, put dried damiana in a bag with clear quartz, which amplifies the energy of whatever it is combined with, and carry this bag in your purse or pocket when you visit places you might meet a lover. Plant damiana in your lover’s garden to keep their desire for you strong.

9. Wine Grapes

First grown in Georgia in Eastern Europe, wine grapes are fermented into the intoxicating drink that has become associated with refinement and sophistication and wine has been made since at least 6,000 BCE.

Despite the fact different techniques can be used to enhance winemaking, the quality of the grapes themselves are what decide how good the wine is. The weather while the grapes grow, pruning techniques, soil quality, when the grapes are harvested, and the general health of the grape plants all affect the quality of the wine.

The creature that symbolizes Sagittarius is the centaur, a half man, half horse creature. Centaurs are joyous, lusty, boisterous, and they love to indulge in good food and drink. Even for the most levelheaded of Sagittarians, there is a side of them that is known to behave in these ways at least some of the time.

Wine grapes are made into wine that can intoxicate, but it can also relax. The centaur most associated with Sagittarius is Chiron, who was considered the wisest of centaurs and was renowned for his healing abilities. The health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption are improved cardiovascular health and reduced stress levels.

Sagittarians can use wine in their magic and not even drink it. To use wine for healing, pour a bottle of wine into the ground as an offering to Chiron, and ask him to send healing. Wine can also be given to loved ones who are healing from a broken heart.

Wine can be included in social gatherings to incite merriment, but intoxicating people won’t do as much as magic will. Have each attendee at your gathering pray over the wine, blessing it with their wishes for joy and good health.

10. A Mixed Bouquet

Each Sagittarian will have their very own favorite flower, but they also love variety. A bouquet of mixed flowers is the perfect thing to give to a Sagittarian to make them happy, and they can also use mixed flowers in their own magic. Hand selecting each flower for its own magical meaning can be done.

Make a mixed bouquet of roses for love when somebody is emotionally healing after a breakup. Bringing a rainbow mix of flowers into an office space to promote diversity is another way Sagittarians can use mixed flowers for magic. Of course, a variety of different live flowers in the garden for a Sagittarian to nurture will help them connect to the earth, and that is perhaps the most powerful kind of magic out there.


Fun, laid back, witty Sagittarians seem to effortlessly create their own magic wherever they go. They have the ability to make people laugh even in the darkest of times, and they know how to make even the most boring event entertaining. Some people find them to be too fun-loving and not serious enough, but Sagittarians seem to know how to manage to charm even their biggest critics. Their natural magic is very strong, and Sagittarius zodiac flowers can make it even more powerful.

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